Rockwood Boulevard Grind and Overlay (Grand Blvd. to Cowley St.)

Project Number: 2024056

Status: Design


This project provides a 2-inch grind and overlay along Rockwood Boulevard, from Grand Boulevard to Cowley Street, and redesigns the Rockwood/Cowley & 10th Avenue intersection. It also replaces outdated water mains, a crushed sewer main segment, and brick catch basins within the project limits.


Rockwood Boulevard between Grand Boulevard and Cowley Street

Project Timeline

  • Design: Underway
  • Estimated Completion: December 2025

Key Objectives

  • Pavement Rehabilitation: Improve road conditions with a 2-inch grind and overlay.
  • Intersection Safety: Redesign Rockwood/Cowley & 10th with curb extensions, improved lighting, and crosswalks.
  • Utility Upgrades: Replace aging cast iron water mains, crushed sewer pipe, and brick catch basins.

Project Scope

The main activities within this project include:

  • Grind & Overlay: Full-width resurfacing of Rockwood Boulevard.
  • Sidewalk & Curb Work: Replace sections impacted by utility replacements; install ADA ramps.
  • Intersection Improvements: Curb extensions (bump-outs), lane reconfiguration, and restriping to improve sight lines.
  • Water & Sewer Upgrades: Replace 8-inch and 12-inch cast iron water mains, one crushed sewer main segment, and four brick catch basins.


  • Total Project Cost: $1,785,000
  • Sources: Utility Rates, REET2 Capital Street Funding, Sewer Utility Maintenance

Community Impact

Upgraded roads and utilities will enhance reliability and safety. Temporary closures and detours will be planned with special consideration for local hospitals, residents, and businesses.

Environmental & Regulatory Compliance

A Stormwater General Permit is required for ground disturbance. Tree pruning or removal may need Urban Forestry Department approval. No significant environmental or cultural resource concerns are anticipated.

Contact Information

For questions or concerns regarding the construction work or the construction schedule, please contact the contractor’s public representative.

Contractor Public Representative

City Project Manager - Design Phase
Richard Proszek

City Project Manager - Construction Phase
John Hogberg

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