Spokane Falls Boulevard Planning Study

Planning the Future of Spokane Falls Boulevard

Project Overview

The City of Spokane is conducting a comprehensive planning study to revitalize Spokane Falls Blvd. in the downtown core, spanning from Division St. west to Lincoln St. This project, in accordance with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, aims to enhance urban infrastructure and address evolving community needs for future decades.

This project is driven by street and utility replacement needs. Even though the pavement structure looks functional on the surface, the street structural section is beyond its useful life and is failing in places, requiring it to be replaced. In addition, there are some original utilities (water, sewer) dating back to the late 1890s that are within the roadway. With the pavement section being rebuilt, we also need to take the opportunity to replace and upsize some of these facilities so the City can continue to provide reliable water and wastewater services both now and in the future.

Key elements being evaluated include:

  • Traffic Enhancements
    Potential modifications such as lane reductions or converting Spokane Falls Blvd. from a one-way to a two-way street between Washington St. and Division St. These changes seek to optimize traffic flow and improve accessibility within the downtown area.
  • Pedestrian and Cyclist Infrastructure
    Possible upgrades include expanded sidewalks, enhanced frontage amenities, additional bike lanes, and improved pedestrian crossings. These enhancements align with the City's Master Bike Plan and aim to promote safer and more accessible pathways for non-motorized transport.
  • On-Street Parking Configuration
    Exploration of alternative parking configurations, catering to both residential and commercial needs while ensuring efficient use of urban space.
  • Integrated Infrastructure Upgrades
    The project includes critical upgrades to underground utilities, such as water, sewer, electric, natural gas, and communication systems. This modernization effort not only enhances service reliability but also prepares the area for future technological advancements.
  • Stormwater Management
    Implementation of advanced stormwater management solutions within or adjacent to the City's right-of-way to mitigate flooding risks and enhance environmental sustainability.

Community Engagement and Stakeholder Collaboration

Thank you for providing your feedback by completing the community survey. The survey closed on Sept 13, 2024; we heard from nearly 1,200 respondents and received thoughtful and constructive feedback. You are invited to review the summary of the survey responses. There were several common questions and concerns raised within the community survey. The planning team developed an FAQ based on the feedback.

Based on the feedback we received from the community survey and conversations with stakeholders, the City planning team is developing a variety of alternatives to reflect the range of potential improvements. These alternatives will be shared back out to the community for input as part of a second round of public engagement that will ultimately inform the preferred alignment. This next round of engagement is anticipated to start in early 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

Download Spokane Falls Blvd. FAQ (PDF 160 KB)

How is the Spokane Falls Blvd. planning study project being funded?

We are currently in the planning and design phases of this project. This is funded through a Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG), which is a federal grant offered as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law enacted in 2021. No local funds (i.e., money generated through local taxes and fees) are being used for this planning project.

There will be multiple funding sources for the construction phase of the project. The cost of the necessary utility replacement portion of the project will be paid with utility rate revenues as part of the responsibility to maintain public utilities. The street rebuild portion of the project will require a separate funding source, which has not been identified during this phase. Various sources will be pursued by the City.

Why is the Spokane Falls Blvd. rebuild planning study necessary?

This project is driven by street and utility replacement needs. Even though the pavement structure looks ok from the surface, the street structural section is beyond its useful life and is failing in places, requiring it to be replaced. In addition, there are some original utilities (water, sewer) dating back to the late 1890s that are within the roadway. With the pavement section being rebuilt, we also need to take the opportunity to replace and upsize some of these facilities so that the City can continue to provide reliable water and wastewater services both now and in the future.

Why don’t you spend the funds addressing other issues faced by the City?

Because this project is in large part grant and utility rate funded, there are strict guidelines on how these funds can be used. For STBG funds, the grant dollars may only be spent on the project that was applied for. For the utility work, utility rate funds can only be used on utility projects; utility funds cannot be used for other City initiatives and programs, such as public safety concerns or for individuals experiencing homelessness. Utility rate funds must go back into reinvestment needs for the utility system. Sewer and water rates will be a large source of funding for the project due to utility replacement needs.

Can you install a pedestrian “scramble” type intersection?

A pedestrian scramble, or exclusive pedestrian interval intersection, is a type of traffic signal movement that stops all vehicular traffic, thereby allowing pedestrians to cross an intersection in every direction at the same time. Operationally, the traffic signals would need to be programmed to provide a scramble phase with every traffic signal cycle. Benefits of a pedestrian scramble include increasing pedestrian visibility and reducing conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians. Drawbacks include an overall increase in signal cycle length, which could increase congestion and emissions on Spokane Falls Blvd. and make it more difficult to downsize the street width.

While this feature would be well received during large events or high pedestrian use, it cannot be “turned on” for special events. Cities that have implemented pedestrian scrambles find they are most appropriate with very high pedestrian volumes. One case study in Beverly Hills recommended 1000 pedestrians per hour. A second trigger for installation would be where it’s difficult for vehicles to clear the intersection due to pedestrians constantly using the crosswalk. The City can continue to evaluate whether a pedestrian scramble would be appropriate with the different design alternatives, but it’s likely that the current signal phasing will provide the most efficient operation for pedestrians, cyclists, transit and private vehicle use.

Why are you exploring converting a portion of Spokane Falls Blvd. back to a two-way street?

Did you know Spokane Falls was a two-way street for many decades prior to Expo ’74? Traffic planners in the later half of the 20th century believed prioritizing vehicular traffic by implementing one-way streets would improve mobility within the downtown core with the idea that more cars will lead to more people, consequently providing more economic and entertainment activity. Traffic planning philosophies have evolved in the past 40 years, and it is now generally believed that two-way streets are better for providing easier local access and improved circulation. This in turn is better for local businesses that depend heavily on visibility to passerby traffic. In addition, two-way streets enhance the pedestrian experience by providing natural traffic calming impacts due to narrower lane widths and less travel lanes in a single direction.

With respect to this project, the question around converting to a two-way street between Washington and Division was raised to explore whether we could improve accessibility to businesses and facilities along the eastern segment of Spokane Falls Boulevard, such as the Spokane Convention Center and First Interstate Center for the Arts. Based on the results of the community survey, there is a mixed reaction to this potential traffic reconfiguration. As such, the alternative concepts in development will include a couple of alternatives with the two-way traffic reconfiguration included, with the rest keeping the corridor as a one-way street.

I had technical challenges completing the survey; can I still provide feedback?

We did receive a handful of comments regarding survey functionality, particularly with the second question where users were asked to rank the priority outcomes from most to least important. If you experienced technical issues with the survey and would like to share your feedback directly, please email kdavis@spokanecity.org.

Project Timeline and Phasing

The planning study is anticipated to continue through mid-2025, with detailed design work starting shortly thereafter and extending into 2026. Construction sequencing and phasing details will be refined during the final design phase, with construction tentatively scheduled between 2027 and 2028 pending funding availability.

Stay Informed

For the latest updates and to participate in the planning process, please check back regularly for announcements and opportunities to provide feedback.


Contact Information

For inquiries and further details, please contact:

Integrated Capital Management
Lorena Croucher, P.E., Associate Engineer

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