For inspection requests, answers to specific cross connection control questions and lists of approved assemblies please contact the Spokane Water Department Cross Connection Control Program at 509.625.7969 or by email at For a list of approved testers please refer to the Backflow Assembly Testers list (PDF 460 KB).
Tanker Inspection Form (PDF 223 KB)
The City of Spokane Water Department Cross Connection Control Program protects our water system from potential sources of contamination. Cross connections are any physical link between the public water system and a source of non-potable liquid. Contamination can also result from connections to solid or gas sources that might backflow into the clean water system.
Backflow results when pressure at the location water is being delivered is higher than the pressure delivering water to the same point. This can be caused by high velocities in pipes from maintenance, line breaks or fire fighting. Sources of back-pressure include booster pumps, boilers, elevated piping, and interconnections with auxiliary systems.
Backflow preventers are mechanical assemblies that help stop cross contamination of the clean water system.
The required type of assembly is determined by the assessed hazard: