Our Water

Lab Sample Bottle of Clear Liquid

Water Quality

Each year, more than 2,000 tests are performed on Spokane's water for 200 contaminants. Testing and monitoring Spokane's drinking water is a 24-hour job, 7 days a week.

The City of Spokane's water meets or exceeds all state and federal regulations governing the safety of your drinking water. We take your health – and ours – seriously.

Water Quality Reports

More technical water quality information (PDF 1.1 MB)

The City has implemented updated testing and monitoring procedures for PFAS contaminants, also known as “forever chemicals.” As part of its commitment to protect the community’s drinking water, the City joined a lawsuit against manufacturers responsible for PFAS/PFOA contamination. Additionally, it is supporting the Spokane Aquifer Joint Board with investigation of potential sources of contamination. The Water Department continues to monitor regulatory actions and conduct testing to provide timely and accurate information to our customers. More information can be found on the state Department of Health’s PFAS in Drinking Water Dashboard.

Testing for lead in the home is conducted every three years following Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements. The results for these tests have been in compliance since 1992 below the current limit of 15 parts per billion (PPB) for lead and below the newly introduced limit of 10 PPB. Recently, the EPA required notification to approximately 1,000 property owners by mail that may have connections from galvanized material that could have been connected to a lead pipe prior to 2018. There is a chance this material may have absorbed lead. EPA has defined these service lines as “galvanized requiring replacement” or GRRs. Please review these frequently asked questions for more information and how to contact the Water Department. Property owners who are looking replace service lines may be eligible for the Utility Service Line Repair and Replacement Program.


Our water comes from the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. The aquifer serves as the sole source of water for most of the people in Spokane County in Washington and in Kootenai County in Idaho. Discovered in 1895, this Aquifer has become one of the most important resources in the region, supplying drinking water to more than 500,000 people. The Aquifer has been studied in considerable detail since 1977, and the results of these investigations have produced programs and regulations designed to ensure this aquifer will remain a valued and protected resource for future generations.

Aquifer Facts

  • The aquifer has one of the fastest flow rates in the United States, flowing as much as 50 feet per day in some areas. In comparison, a typical aquifer has a flow rate between one-quarter inch and five feet per day.
  • The Aquifer sediments range from about 150 feet to 600 feet deep.
  • The Aquifer covers 322 square miles in two states.
  • The average daily water withdrawal is about 146 million gallons.
  • The volume of the entire aquifer is about 10 trillion gallons, making it one of the most productive aquifers in the United States.

Learn more about the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer by downloading the Aquifer Atlas and Educational Poster (PDF 2.6 MB).

Water Quality Special Needs?

Get information regarding water quality special needs

Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immunocompromised persons such as those with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, transplant recipients, persons with HIV/AIDS or other immune disorders, some elderly and infants particularly at risk for infection. These people should seek advice from their health care providers.

The US EPA – Center for Disease Control guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants can be obtained at the Safe Drinking Water Hotline, 1.800.426.4791.

For more information regarding the City of Spokane's drinking water and related issues, please contact us by email at waterinfo@spokanecity.org.

Water Quality Resources

  • City of Spokane Water Department Water Quality - 509.742.8154
  • City of Spokane Environmental Programs - 509.625.6968
  • Spokane County Water Resources Program - 509.477.3604
  • Spokane Regional Health District - 509.324.1500
  • Washington Department of Health - Eastern Regional Office, Drinking Water Program - 509.329.1500
  • Washington Department of Ecology - Eastern Regional Office - 509.329.3400
  • US EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline - 800.426.4791

Water Quality Special Needs?

Get information regarding water special needs