Street & Alley Grading

While the vast majority of Spokane's street system is paved, some streets and alleys are unpaved.

Here's what you need to know about the City's maintenance activities on these streets and alleys:

  • Improved gravel streets. Improved gravel streets are graded up to twice a year if needed. This usually happens in the fall and the spring. The City has 59 lane miles of improved gravel streets. Gravel shoulders also are graded during grading operations. Here is a map that identifies the improved gravel streets.

    The City doesn't oil improved gravel streets, but citizens can pay to have their street oiled for dust control. This is done by permit; call 509.625.6300 for information. After the permit is approved, the Street Department receives notice and check and grade the street if necessary and then we will approve oiling the street. If an existing oiled street is determined to need grading, grading operations will be performed.

  • Unimproved dirt streets used for garbage collection. A new program starting in 2018 will include grading for unimproved dirt streets that are used for garbage collection. Grading will occur about once every three years under this program. The goal is to recognize the impact heavy garbage and recycling trucks on these dirt streets and to reduce impacts to City vehicles and employees.
    Here is a map of that includes the streets in this program with schedule information.
  • Other unimproved dirt streets. Unimproved streets that aren't used for garbage collection aren't maintained by the City. These streets were not designed or built to City standards.
  • Unpaved alleys used for garbage collection. A new program starting in 2018 will include grading of unpaved alleys that are used for garbage collection. Grading will occur about once every three years under this program. The goal is to recognize the impact heavy garbage and recycling trucks on these dirt streets and to reduce impacts to City vehicles and employees.
    Here is a map that includes the alleys in this program with schedule information.
  • Other unpaved alleys. The City doesn't grade or otherwise improve these alleys.

In all cases, citizens who own property on improved gravel streets, unimproved dirt streets, or unpaved alleys can form a Local Improvement District (LID) to pay to have the street or alley paved.

Streets Department

Contact online, or by phone at 311, or for outside City limits at 509.755.2489