Street Sweeping

The City of Spokane Street Maintenance Division is responsible for the cleaning of all city streets. We have approximately 1,500 lane miles of residential streets and 760 lane miles of arterial streets. During the winter months, sweeping is generally performed on major arterials as weather permits.

As soon as weather permits in the spring, sweeping crews focus on sweeping the main arterials (PM-10 Arterial routes), flushing sidewalks and flushing arterial islands. Once sidewalk and island flushing have been completed, and one round of sweeping completed on the PM-10 Arterial route, then crews begin to work on Residential Sweeping. During garbage collection days on Residential Sweeping routes, those sweeping crews will be reassigned to Arterial Sweeping or to augment other Residential Sweeping Crews.

There are three (3) Sweeping Crews assigned to the City of Spokane:

  • Northeast Residential & North Arterials
  • Northwest Residential & PM-10 Arterials
  • Southside Residential & South Arterials

Each Sweeping Crew consists of three personnel and three pieces of equipment: one regenerative air broom, one flusher truck and one dump truck. If extra resources permit, crews may be augmented with an extra broom, flusher or dump truck.

Residential streets are split into 55 Residential Sweeping routes. Those routes are then assigned to one of the three Sweeping Crews. The starting order of the Residential routes varies from year to year, with the exception that routes that contain hills are usually placed at the beginning of the sweeping season. This is due to the amount of sand used during the winter in those hilly areas.

On your garbage pick-up day, please make sure your garbage can is placed behind the curb, especially on sweeping days.

Crews sweep the Downtown Business District every Thursday morning from 4 a.m. to 6 a.m.

Residential Street Sweeping Map & Schedule

To find your residential route, open the Residential Sweeping Progress Map and enter your address in the search box located in the upper left corner. Once your address is pinpointed on the map, select your street. This will highlight your route and open a dialog box with your route number and current status.

To determine when sweeping crews will be in your area, view the 2025 Street Sweeping Schedule (PDF 177 KB).

Streets Department

Contact online, or by phone at 311, or for outside City limits at 509.755.2489

Items of Interest