The City of Spokane is no longer regulating TNCs and their drivers per House Bill 2076 effective 06/09/2022.
City of Spokane Partners with Washington State Department of Revenue Business Licensing Service.
You may apply for a business license online or apply in person.
The Business Licensing Wizard is a time-saving tool for up-and-coming businesses. Read about the Business Licensing Wizard on the DOR website.
Taxes and Licenses, under the Office of Finance, Treasury and Administration, functions as a license office for regulatory licenses provided in Division II of Title 10 and administers the various municipal taxes set forth in Title 8 of the Spokane Municipal Code. We are responsible for processing applications, registrations, returns and renewals; and billing, collecting, accounting and auditing of fees and taxes.
The following licenses may be required in addition to a business license.
No person may engage in business in the City or with the City without first having obtained and being the holder of a valid temporary business registration (PDF 88 KB). Or apply online at Accela Citizen Access ( View Temporary Business License Online Instructions (PDF 253 KB).
“Entertainment Facility” is any hotel, restaurant, cafĂ©, club, tavern, or similar place where live entertainment involving music, singing, dancing, or other similar entertainment is presented to the public, together with food or alcohol.
An “amusement facility,” or “entertainment facility,” is any business, club, or location that is required to have a City business license or permit in accordance with Chapter 4.04 SMC where concerts, dances, carnivals, circuses, teen club, all-ages venue, or a cabaret is presented to the public as a regular course of doing business, not including:
Entertainment Facility license application (PDF 349 KB)
Or apply online at Accela Citizen Access.
Chapter 4.04 SMC A permit is required for charitable solicitation.
A charitable solicitation permit is a Class I license as provided in Chapter 4.04.
A regular or temporary business registration issued under Chapter 8.01 SMC must have an Itinerant Vendor Permit under any of the following circumstances:
Businesses with an itinerant vendor permit are required to:
Apply online at Accela Citizen Access (
Chapter 10.34A For-Hire Transportation
Section 10.34.010 Purpose; Intent
This chapter is enacted in the exercise of the City of Spokane's police power to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of people in the city of Spokane and pursuant to the specific recognition of the city's authority to regulate all for-hire vehicles as defined in this chapter and operating within the city of Spokane.
10.34A.030 Scope and Applicability
This chapter applies to all drivers and operators of for-hire vehicles, by whatever name, description, or method of operation, engaged in providing or facilitating for-hire transportation services in the city of Spokane; provided, that for-hire transportation services provided at Spokane International Airport are covered by regulations promulgated by, or agreements with, the Spokane Airport Board.
Section 10.34A.040 For-Hire Transportation Activities Requiring License
It is unlawful to act as a for-hire driver or a for-hire operator within the city of Spokane without first obtaining a license to do so as required by this chapter.
A violation of this section is a class one civil infraction. Each subsequent violation is a separate infraction.
Online Application Instructions:
SMC 10.51.010 “No person may operate a mobile food vending unit within the city of Spokane without first obtaining a Mobile Food Vendor Permit under this chapter.”
Taxes & Licenses
1st Floor City Hall
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201
Hours: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.