Long Range Planning

Long Range Planning is responsible for researching, analyzing, and working with the public on land use, transportation, housing, and economic development policies, among other focus areas. Spokane has an extensive history and tradition of working with citizens to ensure that the public's values are expressed through planning documents that provide a vision of a vibrant and balanced community. The primary planning document is the City’s Comprehensive Plan, Shaping Spokane, which guides the future development of the City. Staff also provide resources for other City departments, City Council, Mayor’s Office, Plan Commission, Design Review Board, regional agencies, and state agencies.

For a list of current projects by district, please visit the City Projects page.

Comprehensive Plan and Land Use

  • Shaping Spokane Comprehensive Plan (2017 Periodic Update)
    The City of Spokane Comprehensive Plan identifies the community's long-range plan for growth. It is comprehensive because it provides guidance for all aspects of the city's growth and development over a long period, typically twenty-years. The plan is a set of visions, goals, policies, and implementation strategies that state how the city should grow physically, socially, and economically.
  • 2021/2022 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments
    The City of Spokane accepts applications for proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan on an annual basis.
  • Annexations


  • Shaping Spokane Housing
    Shaping Spokane Housing aims to address our housing needs while preserving sense of community and livability. Based off the well-informed strategies in the Spokane Housing Action Plan (HAP), the program identifies comprehensive plan policies and development code regulations that can be improved to increase housing choice throughout Spokane. This project includes updates to Accessory Dwelling Units and Short Term Rental regulations, the Building Opportunity and Choices for All interim ordinance, and Building Opportunity for Housing.
    • Middle Housing Support Team
      The Middle Housing Support Team is tasked with assisting small developers in navigating the development process to construct Middle Housing on infill lots to help implement the housing code updates under Shaping Spokane Housing.
  • Spokane Housing Action Plan (Adopted 2021)
    The City Council adopted the Final Housing Action Plan by resolution on July 26, 2021. The City of Spokane created the Housing Action Plan to develop policy to help increase housing options that are affordable and accessible for people and families of all incomes. The HAP provides guidance for City staff, elected officials, and decision-makers to encourage the construction of additional affordable and market-rate housing that meets Spokane's current and future housing needs.

Economic Development

  • Economic Development
    The City's economic development policy is to align public investments in neighborhood planning, community development and infrastructure development with private sector investments, resulting in increased opportunities for business growth and to provide its citizens with safe, affordable, and quality residential living environments.
    • Incentives
      Economic Development works with businesses, developers, and property managers to ensure your investment in Spokane is matched with all investment incentives available to your industry or property by connecting you with City, State, and Federal Assistance, like the Multi-Family Tax Exemption program.
  • West Quadrant Tax Increment Finance District
    The West Quadrant Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District is funding mechanism designed to help fund a series of public infrastructure improvements in the District. These projects have been selected in order to stimulate economic development in the area.
  • Brownfields Program
    The Brownfields Program provides assistance to private individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations to assess and remediate redevelopment of brownfields (possibly contaminated sites). The program seeks out funding to conduct site assessments, conduct cleanup activities, along with providing technical assistance and information on statewide programs and policies.


  • West Central Infrastructure Project
    Guided by residents, businesses and non-profit organizations in the West Central neighborhood, the West Central Infrastructure Project will develop concepts for streetscape, traffic calming, sidewalk and bikeway improvements in the West Central Neighborhood.
  • Pacific Avenue Greenway Study
    To create a safe walking, rolling and bicycling route through the South University District, the Pacific Avenue Greenway Study will determine design concepts for a Neighborhood Greenway between Sherman Avenue in the South University District and Perry Street in the Sprague Union Business District.
  • Bicycle and Pedestrian Resources
    To learn about ongoing programs for walking and bicycling, such as the City’s bicycle master plan, shared mobility, traffic calming and bike rack request programs, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Resources provides information about these programs and related projects.
  • Transit-Oriented Development
    Transit-oriented development, or TOD, is a model for planning development with a diversity of land uses – housing, shopping and employment that are located along a network pedestrian and bicycle-oriented streets within a half mile of high-performance transit lines. Key characteristics of TOD include active street frontages with daily-needs goods, services and residential opportunities near transit stations.
  • Transit-Oriented Development Framework Study (Adopted 2022)
    This study identifies strategies best suited to Spokane for supporting Transit-Oriented Development along new High-Performance Transit lines, such as STA's City Line now under construction.
  • Bicycle Master Plan
    Spokane's Bicycle Master Plan creates a vision for enhancing bicycling opportunities for all residents of Spokane. The recommendations and actions proposed in this plan support bicycling as a viable mode of transportation for all.
  • Pedestrian Master Plan
    Learn how the City of Spokane plans to increase walkability and safety while completing the sidewalk network through the Pedestrian Master Plan.
  • Wheelshare Program
    Learn about Spokane’s WheelShare Program, which is run by Lime and allows electric scooters and bikes to be checked out throughout the city.
  • Bicycle Parking Code Update
    To progress towards achieving the vision and goals of the Comprehensive Plan and Bicycle Master Plan for bicycling, the City of Spokane is proposing bicycle parking code updates to make riding your bike more accessible.
  • Bike Rack Program
    The City installs bike and scooter parking throughout Spokane. Learn more about the Bike Rack Program to see existing public bike rack locations and request new bike racks in the public right-of-way.
  • Grand Boulevard Transportation and Zoning Analysis (Adopted 2020)
    The Grand Boulevard Transportation and Zoning Analysis was centered in the area of 29th Avenue and Grand Boulevard and considered possible changes to transportation and zoning in the business district. This project was initiated by the Comstock Neighborhood Council as part of a traffic calming project and engaged the surrounding neighborhood councils, Rockwood and Manito-Cannon Hill, as well as the wider community and other partners.

Subarea Planning

  • Hillyard Subarea Plan (Started 2023)
    This Subarea Plan will propose a series of revitalization and funding strategies to address the prolonged housing needs, infrastructure deficiencies, improve the quality of life, increase economic opportunity, and place brownfields and other underutilized properties back into productive use. This project will also address and seek to prevent the displacement of the existing residents and businesses as this area improves over time.
  • South Logan Transit-Oriented Development Project (Started 2022)
    The City of Spokane is planning for mixed-use, walkable development along the City Line, Spokane's first bus rapid transit route. The South Logan Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Project will create a vision for the South Logan area of the Logan Neighborhood to support more connectivity for the community, businesses, and organizations.
  • Downtown Plan Update (Adopted 2021)
    The new plan updated and replaced the City's previous plan for Downtown, the Fast Forward Spokane Downtown Plan Update (2008). The updated plan is expected to result in a series of recommended actions and guide new improvements for the next ten years.
  • South University District Subarea Planning (Adopted 2020)
    Planning for the future of South University District subarea was a coordinated community effort of City staff, local stakeholders, key public representatives, and technical staff from partner agencies. The opening of the University District Gateway Bridge spurred expanding development interest in this business district. A continuous public engagement strategy was key to guiding the proposed changes to zoning and development standards.
  • North Bank Subarea Planning (2019)
    The North Bank Plan is focusing on strategies to guide and optimize new development to ensure a vibrant North Bank for future generations. Planning for the North Bank is a coordinated community effort of City staff, local stakeholders, key public representatives, and technical staff from partner agencies.

Community Planning

  • Centers and Corridors Study (Started 2023)
    The Centers and Corridors Update Study project will assess the effectiveness of Centers and Corridors, a focused growth land use policy and zoning approach in the City of Spokane. The study will provide recommendations to update or change this growth strategy during the 2026 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update.
  • Neighborhood Planning
    The City of Spokane is committed to enhancing its neighborhoods and, to this end, has a long tradition of neighborhood-based planning. Neighborhood planning is an important tool promoting collaboration between the City and Neighborhoods to help guide the future of Spokane's neighborhoods.
  • 5th Avenue Initiative (Adopted 2021)
    The 5th Avenue Initiative Community Strategy is the culmination of a multi-year process of community engagement and work by the residents, businesses, and community leaders in collaboration with the City and agency partners. This strategy presents an inclusive vision with recommended actions for improvements, programming, and community building along East 5th Avenue with the East Central Neighborhood.
  • Innovation Alleyways (2019)
    The City of Spokane launched the Innovation Alleyways project in 2019 to explore ways to revitalize and re-envision select downtown alleyways into places of connectivity and vibrant arts culture.
  • Chestnut-Elm Neighborhood Greenway Study
    The West Central neighborhood of Spokane has long planned for a park-like Greenway on Chestnut Street, connecting the Centennial Trail, Dutch Jake’s Park and AM Cannon Park. Funded through the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program, the Chestnut-Elm Neighborhood Greenway Study assessed options for building this new connection as well as the nearby Elm Street Neighborhood Greenway as proposed in the Bicycle Master Plan.
  • Fish Lake Trail Connection Study
    This study recommended the best route to connect the Fish Lake Trail to the Centennial Trail. The Fish Lake Trail Connection Study assessed options for routing and building a shared-use paved trail separated from the roadways to allow better route finding and provide surrounding neighborhoods with a low-stress travel option.
  • Illinois Avenue Bikeway Study
    Illinois Avenue connects major community destinations, schools and services in Northeast Spokane into the University District, the Centennial Trail and Downtown Spokane. The Illinois Avenue Bikeway Study proposes street re-designs and bikeway upgrades to link these destinations with protected bike lanes and pathways.
  • South University District Trail Feasibility Study
    The South University District Trail Feasibility Study recommends options for constructing a shared-use path from the south end of the University District Bridge to the Ben Burr Trail. The proposed trail would provide east-west access for safely walking and bicycling through the South University District area.

Boards and Commissions

  • Plan Commission
    The Plan Commission provides advice and makes recommendations on broad planning goals and policies and other matters as requested by the City Council. The Commission provides opportunities for public participation in City planning by providing through its own membership an informed opinion to complement the work of the City's elected officials and administrative departments. They also solicit public comment on planning issues of City-wide importance or of a substantial community concern, evaluating those comments received.
  • Design Review Board
    The Design Review Board is comprised of citizens and practicing professionals who represent community interests including a diversity of design and technical professions. Board members are nominated by the Mayor, appointed by City Council, and serve without compensation. Planning staff support the Design Review Board. Visit the Design Review Board page for current design guidelines.
  • Bicycle Advisory Board
    The Bicycle Advisory Board provides advice and direction to the City Council and all departments and officers of the city on matters relating to bicycling and to raise public awareness of bicycling issues.

Documents and Resources