Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

City Services Reopening Updates

City of Spokane has been committed to working to limit the community spread of COVID-19 while maintaining City operations. We will continue to adjust how we deliver services, while accommodating best practices for limiting illness. Please continue to come back to this page for up-to-date service information:

City Council Meetings

City Council hold its 6 p.m. legislative sessions on Mondays in-person at City Hall (808 W Spokane Falls Blvd). There remains availability for the public to provide testimony remotely. Here's how it works:

  • On the day of the meeting, community members can sign up online to give testimony between 5 and 6 p.m. You must sign up in order to be called on to testify.
  • Instructions for participation are provided on the form when you sign up.

Members of the public also can contact Council Members with comments on upcoming legislation by filling out this contact form.

Members of the public who don't plan to testify can tune in to the meetings on CityCable 5 (on channel 5 or 325 on the Comcast cable system), the City Council Facebook page or online.

Web or TV viewing is preferred, but a call in option is also available for those who do not have access via the web or Channel 5. Call-in information for the 6 p.m. meeting is available on the Current Agenda for that meeting on the City' website.

The Council also is continuing its committee meetings, briefing sessions, and study sessions. All meetings can be viewed on CityCable 5, the City Council Facebook page or online.

City Construction Bid Openings

Bid openings are held on-line on Mondays at 1:15 p.m., when scheduled. Questions, please email

Participate via video link on your computer:

  • Join meeting
  • Meeting (or Access) number: 965 272 875
  • Password: 7j8sPf7Mwbf

Participate by phone:

  • Call (408) 418-9388
  • Enter 965 272 875 followed by # when prompted for a meeting number or access code.
  • Enter # when prompted for an attendee ID number.


See SMC 4.02.030 or visit the Claims webpage for information on filing a Claim for Damages form with the City Clerk's Office.

Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement Complaints can be submitted online.

Building Official hearings continue to be conducted virtually.

  • To participate in hearings visit the Code Enforcement website / Substandard Buildings to view current agendas and upcoming hearings.
  • Contact 509.625.6300 with questions or concerns, or to coordinate telephone/ virtual participation in an upcoming hearing.

Community Court

Community Court resumes on Mondays at the Northeast Community Center, and on Tuesdays, at City Hall.

Development Services Center

The Development Services Center public counter is now open.

  • Operating hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.
  • Join the queue or view wait times for the DSC from the Qless App. Available for download to iPhone or Android.
  • Online permitting continues to be available for most permit types.
  • Residential new projects must be electronically submitted online.
  • Pre-development and Project Intake meetings will continue to be held virtually. Applicants should contact their permit manager for direction on how to submit plans.
  • Customers should continue to request inspections by contacting the inspector listed on the permit or online scheduling is available.
  • Questions about permitting? Contact the Permit Hotline at or 509.625.6999.


  • Customers should continue to request inspections by contacting the inspector listed on the permit or online scheduling is available.


  • Locations are at 100% capacity and maintaining current operating hours.
  • Public meeting room access is available for personal/business use. Capacity is limited to 10. Reserve a room here.
  • Computer access is available.
  • In-person library events are on hold until further notice.
  • Masks will be required for unvaccinated individuals until CDC/state guidance changes. (Except at STA Plaza where masks are still required for all, regardless of vaccination status.)

Municipal Court

  • Citizens with upcoming court dates should stay in contact with their public defenders for current scheduling information. More information.
  • Municipal Court's public counter in the Spokane County Public Safety Building is closed. Citizens are encouraged to pay parking tickets and Municipal Court fines, fees and probation assessments on line. See Municipal Court Payments webpage. Citizens also can use a drop box at the Public Safety or mail their payments.

My Spokane 311

The My Spokane 311 public counter at City Hall is now open for walk-in transactions Monday - Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We strongly encourage our customers to take advantage of our numerous self-serve options available online at or through the My Spokane-311 app, including e-bill.

Please note: ALL UTILITY ACCOUNTS WILL NOT BE ASSESSED LATE FEES OR BE DISCONTINUED DUE TO NO PAYMENT. (This includes water service and solid waste pick-up.)

Online options include:

  • Utility Billing e-bill (pay online or check your balance)
  • Changes to your utility billing account (closing bill, name or address change, duplicate bill request
  • Changes or issues with your solid waste collection (report a missed collection, change cart size, stop or start yard waste service, report a missing or damaged cart)
  • Report a code enforcement issue (graffiti, code violation, solid waste dumping)
  • Report an illegal camp
  • Report a parking complaint
  • Report a pothole

Or Call 311 or 509-755-CITY (2489), Monday-Friday 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Cash-based utility billing customers can visit one of our pay stations with your utility bill at two Yoke's Fresh Market locations during operating hours. ***There is a .75 cent processing fee for this service.***

  • 210 E North Foothills Dr. in north central Spokane
  • 3321 W Indian Trail Rd. in north west Spokane

Office of Neighborhood Services

Operations are back to normal business hours, though staff will use their discretion if they feel comfortable attending public meetings in person.

Office of Police Ombuds

Office hours in City Hall are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Safety protocols and social distancing guidelines continue to be followed. As such, interviews are conducted over the phone. In person meetings with specific staff are by appointment only.

Complaint forms are accepted in person at the walk-up window in City Hall, via phone (509-625-6742), and online. Please ensure you leave good contact information on your complaint form, so that we can contact you.

Parks & Recreation

All operations are open. Visit the City of Spokane Parks & Recreation website for details.

Public Records

For information on making a public records request to the City of Spokane, visit the Public Records webpage.

Public Safety

Police public windows are open the following hours

  • Tuesday, 10:00 am – 3:30 pm
  • Wednesday, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • Thursday, 10:00 am – 3:30 pm

Public records requests are accepted in person during those hours or can be dropped off at the front desk. Concealed weapon permit applications are accepted electronically.

Taxes & Licenses

Open for normal business hours, Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. in City Hall. For general information about doing business in the City of Spokane including taxes, licenses, LIDs, BIDs and Boundary Line Adjustments; visit the City's website.

Utility Billing

The City of Spokane provides water, sewer, and garbage services. Assistance with monthly City utility bills is available to residents impacted financially by COVID-19:

Residential property owners as well as tenants can seek direct financial assistance through the City's U-Help program or the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) by calling 456-SNAP. Utilities Billing can also provide repayment arrangements for our customers who apply and qualify.

Customers remain responsible for owed amounts on their City utility bills. We encourage customers who are behind on their payments to contact the City at 3-1-1 or 755-CITY(2489) to discuss options. For the most up to date residential assistance information, please visit the: Resident Assistance page.

Waste to Energy Facility

  • The Waste to Energy Facility is open regular hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., 7 days a week, for all services - garbage, clean green, recycling and household hazardous waste.
  • Please limit your trips the facility, and wash your hands before coming to WTE.
  • When using the facility, please observe appropriate social distancing both when interacting with scale house staff and on the tipping floor. Please don't come to the facility if you are feeling sick.
  • The facility is closed to public tours at this time.