Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Parking 2 People Incentive


In 2022, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 5755, to create a meaningful and predictable economic incentive to stimulate the redevelopment of underdeveloped property through the use of a sales and use tax deferral program. The incentive assists property owners in redeveloping public parking (“underdeveloped property”), revitalizing property through the construction of affordable housing.

Under Chapter 82.92 RCW, in coordination with a local governments the Department of Revenue can issue a sales and use tax deferral certificate for the construction of at least two affordable multifamily units. Utilizing the tax deferral certificate, a property owner does not have to pay sales or use taxes on the construction of residential improvements. The property owner would still pay sales and use tax on non-residential improvements, like the commercial portion of a mixed-use building.

Spokane is the first city in Washington to adopt code enabling use of the Underdeveloped Urban Land Sales and Use Tax Deferral (aka Parking 2 People). This incentive helps the City to realize the goals of the Comprehensive Plan more fully, while also encouraging construction of more affordable housing and providing the benefit of more construction jobs. A complete list of regulations can be found in the Spokane Municipal Code Chapter 08.07D SMC.

Economic Development is currently only accepting PDF applications. Please fill out the Parking 2 People Application and email it to

Eligible Sites

The Department of Revenue oversees the statewide Underdeveloped Urban Land Sales and Use Tax Deferral program. As approved, Chapter 82.92 RCW does not allow the DOR to apportion the tax deferral in any way. The City of Spokane has advocated that rulemaking be completed on this incentive similar to the recently passed Conversion of Underutilized Commercial Sales and Use Tax Deferral in Chapter 82.59 RCW, but at this time there is no rulemaking on the administration of this incentive program from the State.

Eligible Sites:

  • A surface parking lot that was in existence and use on or before June 9, 2022. Parking created after this date is ineligible.
  • The parking lot must be open to public use, with or without charge. There cannot be a “No Parking” sign on site.
  • Parking does not need to have been paved or striped.
  • The site is zoned residential or mixed uses, for example Residential 2 (R2) or Neighborhood Retail (NR).


P2P Example 1: Green areas show parking that is likely eligible for the Underutilized Urban Land Sales and Use Tax Deferral.

Green areas show parking that is likely eligible for the Underutilized Urban Land Sales and Use Tax Deferral.

P2P Example 2: Yellow areas highlight areas that may be eligible for the deferral subject to agreement by the Department of Revenue, presuming there are no “No Parking” signs and the property owner can supply photographic evidence of parking on site.

Yellow areas highlight areas that may be eligible for the deferral subject to agreement by the Department of Revenue, presuming there are no “No Parking” signs and the property owner can supply photographic evidence of parking on site.

P2P Example 3: Red areas show parcels or areas that either are blocked for access or cannot be established as sites used for parking.

Red areas show parcels or areas that either are blocked for access or cannot be established as sites used for parking.

Due to the strict interpretation of RCW 82.92, and the Department of Revenue not being able to apportion the incentive, an application is required for each phase of a development. The onus is on the property owner to provide supporting aerial or photographic evidence that cars park on the site, and if requesting the incentive for an entire site, that cars park on the entirety of the site. If cars only park(ed) on a portion of the site, the DOR only has the authority to approve the incentive to that square footage of the site. This doesn't mean other sites may not be eligible, but please reach out to staff inquiring about a site early in the development planning process by emailing

Sales and Use Tax Deferral Certificate

Property owners can expect to save approximately $900 for every $10,000 spent on applicable taxed goods and services. The savings rate is based upon the City’s sales tax rate, and therefore will vary in future years as rates change. Download the Sales Tax Estimated Savings Calculator to help you estimate the possible sales tax savings. Please note, the Department of Revenue has ultimate authority over final sales tax savings.

Examples of applicable items that a project may defer sales tax on include:

  • Labor, services, and materials incorporated in the planning of the project
  • Purchase of construction supplies
  • Maintenance items and services
  • Purchase of common-area items, such as gyms or playgrounds
  • As well as facilities used for business use for a mixed-use development

The Department of Revenue requires an application for each building in a project, and if a project is to be phased. Under Parking 2 People, projects must be completed within 3 years of approval from the City and the DOR. A property owner may request one 24-month extension before expiration of the Conditional Contract. The deferral certificate expires the day the property owner receives the certificate of occupancy.

Housing Units Required for Parking 2 People

To receive approval, a project must set aside at least 50% of the units as affordable rental housing or affordable homeownership housing. At least 50% of the investment project set aside for multifamily housing units will be rented at a price at or below fair market rent for Spokane county or sold at a price at or below Spokane county median price.

How is affordable defined for Parking 2 People?
“Affordable housing” is rented by a person or household whose monthly housing costs, including utilities other than telephone, do not exceed 30% of the household’s monthly income. Different price points are affordable for different income levels. For housing incentivized through Parking 2 People “affordable housing” means residential housing that is within the means of low- or moderate-income households.

Please refer to Spokane 2024-2025 Area Median Income and 2024-2025 Max Rent by Household Size published each year for the City’s Multifamily Tax Exemption Program. Income restrictions are defined by State law in RCW 82.92.010.

For Property Owners

Parking 2 People Incentive Graphic

Economic Development is currently only accepting PDF applications. Please fill out the Parking 2 People application and email it to A complete application must include photos of the site, a filled-out DOR Form 81 1035, and a copy of the property owner’s state business license.

You can reach out to the Economic Development team with questions on potential sites even before you submit for a Pre-Development conference. We highly encourage reaching out early so that our team can see what other city or state incentives can apply to your project, as well as verify with DOR they find the site to be eligible. The Parking 2 People program can be layered with other incentives such as MFTE, or the recently approved Underutilized Commercial Sales and Use Tax Deferral incentive. Please note that layering incentives requires additive affordable units for a project, i.e. for a 100-unit building approved for both Parking 2 People and the 12-year MFTE, a total of 50 units for Parking 2 People and 30 units for MFTE would be required.

Tax Savings

Projects that maintain affordability throughout the required 10-year period can expect to save approximately $900 per $10,000 of construction value on the affordable housing constructed. The deferral of sales tax is only applied to the residential portions of the project in the case of mixed-use buildings. Download the Sales Tax Estimated Savings Calculator to help you estimate the possible sales tax savings. The Department of Revenue will calculate the final deferred tax amount using actual construction receipts.

Application Process

  1. Before Construction
    A Conditional Parking 2 People Contract must be approved before the issuance of a building permit. If you are applying for multiple incentives, e.g. MFTE, staff recommends submitting both incentives concurrently before submitting for plan review or permits. Submit the completed:
    1. Parking 2 People Application (PDF 775 KB)
    2. Department of Revenue Form 81 1035
    3. Photos of the site
    4. Copy of your state business license. For details on how to complete a Washington State business license please visit the Washington State Department of Revenue website.

    Conditional Parking 2 People Contracts are valid for three years. If construction has not been completed, an applicant may request in writing an extension for one 24-month extension. For an overview of the application timeline please see the P2P Application Timeline.

  2. During Construction
    The Department of Revenue will send a Sales and Use Tax Deferral Certificate to the property owner to be used during construction. The DOR will notify the property owner of documentation to keep, then DOR will review to substantiate the amount of sales and use tax actually to be deferred. The deferral certificate is valid during active construction and expires on the day the City issues a certificate of occupancy.
    If property ownership changes during construction:
    Changes to property ownership during construction do not terminate the deferral, but the current property owner must notify the City and the Department of Revenue of the impending transfer. The following documents will be required:
    1. DOR Request to Transfer Sales and Use Tax Deferral
    2. City of Spokane Assumption & Assignment Agreement
    3. State business license for new property owner
  3. After Construction
    Within 30 days of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy the property owner must:
    1. Apply for a Final Parking 2 People Certificate by submitting a Parking 2 People Final Application via email to City staff have 30 days for review to ensure all requirements of the deferral have been met before approving the final application.
    2. Include a project narrative of the completed work, confirmation that the completed project remains eligible for the sales and use tax deferral under this chapter, the number of affordable units, and the construction value of the project.
Application Fees
Conditional P2P Contract $1,000 per building
Final P2P Certificate $2,000 per building
Conditional P2P Extension $1,000 per building

Annual Reporting for Property Owners/Property Managers

One year from the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, and each year for ten years, the property owner needs to complete annual compliance reporting. Compliance reporting will take two forms: tax reporting to the Department of Revenue, and affordable housing compliance to both the City of Spokane and the Department of Commerce. The affordable housing reporting is similar to annual reporting for a Multifamily Tax Exemption, and DOR and Commerce are currently working out the requirements.

The DOR will require that the property owner complete an Annual Tax Performance Report certifying that the property is compliant with its contract, submitted to the Department of Revenue through the portal (see details on This is due May 31 each year for the ten-year period.

To comply with Commerce’s monitoring of the affordable housing created through this incentive, property owners will submit to the City an annual report details the affordable units, the household information (including tenant leases and income verification), monthly unit rent, and any changes to the building since the certificate of occupancy was issued. As of September 2024, details on this reporting are still forthcoming, but City staff recommend property owners utilize the guidelines for compliance and auditing Commerce has released concerning Multifamily Tax Exemption, you can read the MFTE Property Tax Exemption Audit Program Guide.

Clawbacks for Noncompliance

Compliance with the Underdeveloped Urban Land Sales and Use Tax Deferral program will be overseen by both the Department of Revenue and the Department of Commerce. One year from the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, and each year for ten years, the property owner will need to submit compliance reporting.

The city must notify the Department of Revenue if compliance with the program is not maintained. All deferred sales and use taxes would then be immediately due and payable. The DOR would assess interest at the rate provided for delinquent taxes and penalties retroactively to the date of deferral, per RCW 82.92.110.

Contact Information

Planning & Economic Development Department
Economic Development Team

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