Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Spokane City Council to Receive Briefing on Lease Agreement for Potential Homeless Shelter

Lisa Gardner, City Council Communications Director, 509.625.6226

Thursday, June 16, 2022 at 4:39 p.m.

City Council will hear an updated presentation from the City Administration regarding the lease agreement for a proposed homeless shelter at 4320 E. Trent Ave. during the 3:30 p.m. Council Briefing Session on June 27th. Until now, a lease had not been finalized by the Administration.

During the Public Safety & Community Health Committee meeting on June 6, Council was presented with draft lease terms. Three major changes have been made to the document since that meeting:

  1. Section 3.03 – Monthly Management Fee reduced to 2.5%
  2. Section 14.05 – Penalty for opting out of the lease early reduced to 8 months’ rent
  3. Exhibit G – Added option for City to purchase building

Under this agreement, the total monthly rental cost would be $26,752.50. This includes a base rent of $26,100.00 plus a 2.5% management fee.

The next steps include:

  • Finalizing service provider agreements, both for daily shelter operations and on-site wrap-around services; and
  • Constructing necessary tenant improvements to the site.

“The E. Trent facility will have a capacity of 150-250 people depending on how many staff the selected providers have trained and ready to go,” said Council Member Lori Kinnear. “This facility will not be large enough to meet the needs of the nearly 450 people at Camp Hope. While this is one viable solution, the City and our partners will need to identify other locations for alternative homeless solutions.”

“There continue to be many moving parts to providing a safe space to our homeless population,” says Councilmember Betsy Wilkerson. “When we invest in people, it’s not a one-and-done and certainly not inexpensive. We have seen that the homeless population has created a community, and our challenge will be to create more opportunities for community within this population.”

The E. Trent facility is owned by Lawrence B. Stone Properties #4320, LLC and is expected to be ready for occupancy around the beginning of August 2022. The public is encouraged to attend the June 27th Briefing Session in person in City Council Chambers. The meeting can also be viewed online at and Video of the June 6 Public Safety & Community Health Committee meeting can be found here.