Spokane City Council Member Jonathan Bingle has issued the following statement:
“This afternoon, I’ll bring forward a resolution supporting Israel’s right to exist and condemning the acts of war perpetrated by Hamas and its allies. Recognizing the impacts international conflicts have on our community members is important. As I’ve spoken to Spokanites affected by these acts of aggression, I’ve heard of several sleepless nights and fears for the safety of family members and loved ones. The resolution strongly condemns acts of violence and calls for the continued respect for all members of our community, including those of Jewish and Palestinian descent.”
The proposed resolution resolves to:
Council Member Bingle will move to suspend the rules during Monday’s Council Briefing Session for a Council vote during the Legislative Session at 6:00 p.m.
Council meetings are open to the public and can be viewed via live stream on Spokane’s CityCable5 https://my.spokanecity.org/citycable5/live/ or via Spokane City Council’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/spokanecitycouncil
About the Spokane City Council
The City Council is the legislative body of the City of Spokane, which is home to more than 220,000 people and is located in the heart of the Inland Northwest. The City’s 2,000 employees strive to deliver efficient and effective services that facilitate economic opportunity and enhance the quality of life for all our citizens. For more information, visit SpokaneCity.org/CityCouncil/ and follow us @SpokaneCityCouncil on Facebook.