Garbage and curbside recycling pickup will be a day late starting Wednesday, with Friday's pickup occurring on Saturday due to the Christmas holiday. Please have your carts out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day. See more information regarding other City closures.
Julie Happy

Havana Street project will test new ways to address stormwater

Julie Happy, Division Communication Manager of Business and Developer Services, No Phone Number Available

Monday, December 15, 2014 at 10:56 a.m.

Havana Street project will test new ways to address stormwater

Some big changes are happening with a major project in the Southgate neighborhood. The work on South Havana Street is now a Stormwater Pilot Project, and will include porous asphalt bike lanes. The goal is to implement a project that delivers multiple benefits for the same dollar, providing our citizens with greater value.

The Havana Street project is another piece in the City's plans to address stormwater runoff and clean up the Spokane River. Since the initial public presentation of the project back in the fall, the City has identified an opportunity to use this project as a pilot for new ways to mitigate stormwater, including low-impact development techniques and the use of porous asphalt. Water can drain through porous asphalt, reducing runoff volume, rate, and pollutants. Gravel swales will also be included in the project. Swales slow stormwater runoff and allow it to seep into the soil. The large canopy street trees that are part of Havana Street plans will absorb pollutants and further reduce runoff by allowing stormwater to infiltrate underlying soils, leaf litter and other vegetation.

Lots of other improvements are part of the Havana Street project. Here's a look at some of the project's other highlights:

  • Full-depth pavement rehabilitation
  • A new 36-inch water main
  • Additional sidewalk with pedestrian buffer strip
  • New curb alignment (to direct stormwater to facilities that will treat it)
  • Parking is maintained on Havana
  • Parking spaces added at Ben Burr Park
  • County participation in paving and sidewalk costs to connect Havana to Glenrose

The area for this project includes Havana Street from 37th Avenue to Glenrose Road and Glenrose Road from Havana Street to 57th Avenue. Work will be completed in phases starting in the spring of 2015. There will be closures but Havana and Glenrose will not be closed at the same time during construction.

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