Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Blog Posts for February 2014

Feb. 27


1 p.m. - Leashed or unleashed? The safety and legal hazards behind free-roaming pooches.

Feb. 24

City performance improves in key areas

5:15 a.m. - Watch 30:02 - The City of Spokane publishes performance measures quarterly to drive transparency and accountability.

Feb. 14

Call for 2014 Traffic Calming Applications

5:15 p.m. - The City is seeking applications for Traffic Calming projects. The deadline is Mar. 10.

Francis Avenue Construction

4:30 p.m. - As part of the 10-year Street Bond, the City of Spokane is planning to rehabilitate Francis Avenue from Division to Crestline streets.

Changes to Community Development Block Grant Program Funding

3:50 p.m. - A Task Force of neighborhood representatives will study the impacts of changes to the HUD funding requirements.

Enhancing the Survival Mindset class set

1:30 p.m. - The Spokane Police Department is hosting a class to enhance situational awareness and the survival mindset for women.

Feb. 12

Snowshoe 101: Through the Eyes of a First-Timer

5 p.m. - Spokane Parks and Recreation Snowshoe Tour Mt. Spokane

PulsePoint: helping you help us save lives

4:45 p.m. - Watch 1:19 - The Spokane Fire Department is launching PulsePoint, a life-saving app, to improve survival rates in persons suffering from cardiac arrest.

Feb. 7

Snow in the forecast

4:15 p.m. - Watch 30:14 - The City monitors weather conditions around the clock during the snow season and deploys resources accordingly.

A question about High Drive planting strips

10 a.m. - The City has provided period updates about improvements to High Drive in an effort to keep everyone current on the conversation.

Feb. 5

Spokane's 12th Man members celebrate Super Bowl win

4 p.m. - Members of the 12th Man in Spokane celebrated the Super Bowl victory by the Seattle Seahawks.

Creating a safer and smarter Spokane

10:25 a.m. - Watch 3:06 - The Spokane Fire Department is testing a new project that will provide low-income households with access to carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.

Feb. 4

City, Police Guild reach new tentative agreement

11 a.m. - New tentative agreement with guild adds fifth contract year, authorizes independent investigations, empowers ombudsman to public closing reports