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Megan Duvall

Changes will help Historic Preservation Office run more effectively

Megan Duvall, Historic Preservation Officer, No Phone Number Available

Wednesday, December 31, 2014 at 11:55 a.m.

Changes will help Historic Preservation Office run more effectively

The City-County of Spokane Historic Preservation Office is implementing a few changes to the Spokane Municipal Code. The proposed changes will help the Historic Preservation Department run more effectively and clarify some of the wording regarding demolitions and Special Tax Valuation.

Briefly, here are the revisions:

Commission Appointments (4.35) – The Spokane Historic Landmarks Commission is made up of 11 members. Previously, two were appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, two by the City and the remaining seven were jointly appointed by both entities. The new ordinance changes the appointments to two by the Board of County Commissioners and nine by the City with no joint appointments.

Demolition Ordinance (17D.040.230) – Currently the demolition ordinance includes language which refers to National Register listed properties as subject to the demolition provisions. Since National Register listing places no obligations on private property owners, the new ordinance would remove National Register listed properties under the demolition ordinance.

Waiver of Review (17D.040.300) – Edits were made to the Waiver of Review section of the SMC which allows the Spokane Historic Landmarks Commission to deny a waiver of review request by the owner if the work proposed does not meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.

Special Valuation (17D.040.310) – Updates were made to the Special Valuation section of the SMC which adds a section to the existing ordinance that fully clarifies the incentive of the program. The only property types that are eligible to take advantage of Special Tax Valuation are those listed individually on the Spokane Register of Historic Places or contributing to a district on the Spokane Register of Historic Places.

Public hearings are scheduled for January 21 (Landmarks Commission) and January 28 (Plan Commission). Below are several items that provide more information on the proposed changes. Questions? Concerns? Please feel free to contact our Department.

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