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Garbage and curbside recycling pickup will be a day late starting Wednesday, with Friday’s pickup occurring on Saturday due to the New Year’s Day holiday. Christmas Tree pickup will also start this week. Please have your carts and trees out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day. Green carts will be collected next week from January 6th – 10th on your regularly scheduled pickup day. See more information regarding other City closures.

Blog Posts for April 2015

April 28

Fire Station 5 Set To Open

3:50 p.m. - Watch 13:18 - A new fire station will serve residents in southwest Spokane

April 27

Bridge repair at Riverfront Park

5:08 p.m. - Watch 10:30 - Some of the upgrades planned for Riverfront Park’s $64 million overhaul include bridge work

Help establish sick leave for Spokane’s workforce

2:48 p.m. - A work group will provide recommendations to City Council on sick leave policy for Spokane

April 24

A special Arbor Day in Spokane

2:56 p.m. - The City was recognized again as a Tree City USA Friday and several neighborhoods were honored for their Greening Grants projects.

April 21

Fixing decades-old sidewalks

2 p.m. - The City is preparing to repair aging Downtown sidewalks to make them safer

April 20

Make Spokane the most compassionate city anywhere

3:07 p.m. - Watch 19:34 - Spokane Gives Week returns April 25-May 3.

Greening Neighborhoods projects are underway this spring

2:15 p.m. - Plantings have begun and there’s still time to apply for new Greening Grants

April 16

Spokane Police Department Citizens Academy

8:57 a.m. - Spokane Police will host Citizens Academy classes starting in May

April 14

The return of the Commute of the Century

3:11 p.m. - The group ride and/or self-guided tour is part of Bike to Work Week

April 8

Mobius opens at the Downtown Library

4:25 p.m. - Mobius Science Center begins its stay at the Downtown Library

Neighborhood Traffic Calming projects begin

3:51 p.m. - Traffic Calming Project Construction Begins as New Applications are Reviewed

Local schools square off for Spokane Gives Week

3:01 p.m. - Watch 8:39 - This year’s Spokane Gives Week includes the Spokane Gives University Challenge

April 6

Changing how the Mayor’s salary is set

4:29 p.m. - Watch 13:15 - A plan would transfer authority over the mayor’s salary to the citizen Salary Review Commission

Register for the 2015 Inland Northwest Fair Housing Conference

4:16 p.m. - We have expanded the annual Inland Northwest Fair Housing Conference set for April 23.

April 3

Homes for Spokane’s Heroes

3:42 p.m. - The City continues its push to end veteran homelessness

April 2

First inductees enter Spokane Citizen Hall of Fame

2:15 p.m. - Watch 57:12 - Nominees and inductees were honored at the first annual Spokane Citizen Hall of Fame Awards breakfast.