Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.
Jessica Fisher

Shape the Future of the South University District

Jessica Fisher, Public Information Assistant, 509.625.6749

Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 1:55 p.m.

Shape the Future of the South University District

Updated: 08/12/2019

The online survey mentioned has been closed.

This summer help the City shape the future of the South University District! This area is emerging as a true “gateway,” with close access to many of the fastest-changing parts of Spokane. The South University District includes the area between the BNSF railroad tracks (at the edge of the WSU/EWU campus) and I-90, and between Division Street and the Hamilton Street interchange.

The district is experiencing growth and investment, with projects like the upcoming Catalyst Building, Sprague Phase II streetscape improvements, improved transit service, and connections to regional trail systems. Taking place amidst these investments, subarea planning for the South University District will build off of previous planning efforts, and provides a timely opportunity to ensure that development and redevelopment occurs within the district as envisioned by key stakeholders and the community at large. In particular, this planning process will make sure that development regulations in the subarea align with goals for increased housing and innovation sector employment, while allowing for the continued growth of the established businesses that have anchored the district over the years.

During this planning process, the City will be working with consultants from MAKERS Architecture, local stakeholders, key public representatives, and technical staff from partner agencies on subarea planning for the South University District.

We want you to get involved in the planning process; take our survey and keep an eye on the South University District planning page, we’ll be sharing upcoming workshops and events!

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