Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Special Events & Large Groups

Large Group Events

For groups over 50 people, a paid reservations is required for all shelters/gazebos and grounds at our City Parks, which will guarantee the use of the venue/area. Parks will be accepted reservations 18 months in advance.

Please complete a Park reservation form to check availability for your large event.

Park/Shelter Reservations: Over 50 people

  • $80/4 hour block – All small shelters with additional services below
  • $100/4 hour block – Large shelters, Franklin Park, Manito Park North & South Shelter
  • Shelter includes up to 1 caterer/food truck access, electrical access, amplified sound, 1 structure or Pop-up tent (must be free standing – NO stakes allowed).
  • For reservations over 50 people up to the capacity of each park facility
  • Not Included: Special Events Groups

Special Event Park Grounds/Shelters

  • Special Events through My Spokane or reservation with Inflatables
  • $160/4 hour block
  • Includes up to 2 caterers/food truck access, 4 structures - inflatables/tents/canopies over 12’x12’, amplified sound and electrical access

Additional Fees: For all park reservations

À la carte prices

  • Amplified sound/ AV staging set up - $25.00 per day
  • Catering/food truck/vendor - $50.00 per day per vendor
  • Tents/inflatables/structures (must be free standing – NO stakes allowed) $50.00 per day per structure
  • Electrical access - $50.00 per day up to two 110v outlets

Some Large group events may require the permit holder to purchase comprehensive general liability insurance (COI) in the amount of single limit coverage of at least one (1) million dollars and Automobile Liability Insurance with a combined single limit, or the equivalent of not less than $1,000,000 each accident for Bodily Injury and Property Damage, including coverage for owned, hired or non-owned vehicles. This is to protect the City against loss from liability imposed by law for damages on account of bodily damage and/or property damage arising from the special event.

Special Events

A Special Event Permit is required if your park activity includes:

  • Over 200 people (outer parks or main shelters)
  • A tent/canopy over (144 square feet) any number of people. May also require Fire Department permits-link to their page
  • Amplified sound such as concert at an outer park event open to public (any number of people)
  • An outer park event open to the public (any number of people), including a carnival, concert, cross-country race, egg/other hunt, exercise training, exhibit, fair, festival, fundraising run/walk and any other outdoor activity (animal event, display, memorial gathering, orienteering, yoga, etc.)

Application for a Special Event Permit must be completed no later than 30 days prior to your event, and may be submitted as early as the beginning of the calendar year of your event. All conditions and requirements (completed application, insurance liability certificate and payment and/or deposit) must be met before permit will be approved and issued. All events require review and special approval from the Park Reservations Event Manager and will be submitted a reservation permit along with Special Events Permit. As such, these applications should be submitted at least 90 days prior to your event. Read all information provided in the permit application to determine if this applies to your event.

Application Fee

Based on the size of your special event, one of the following non-refundable administrative application fees will apply:

  • Small with 50 or fewer people is $50
  • Medium with 51-1,000 people is $100
  • Large with 1,001-10,000 people is $250
  • Extra Large with 10,001 or more people is $500

This fee may be applied/credited to all other event fees and charges.

Payment Options

Fees may be paid using exact cash, check, money order or any major credit card.

Your event will be most successful if you communicate clearly and work with the City in making your event the best and safest it can be. City staff and equipment cannot be used to support a Special Event. Event sponsors are responsible for traffic and crowd control or for paying for extra support/private security/street closure fees from the Fire and/or Police departments.

Additional Information for Large Group Events & Special Events

It is your responsibility to comply with all City, County, State and Federal Disability Access (ADA) Requirements. All indoor and outdoor sites for Special Events must be accessible to persons with disabilities. If a portion of the area is inaccessible, an alternate area must be provided with the same activities that are in the inaccessible area. Disabled access may include parking, restrooms, clear paths of travel, transportation and accessible vendors and booths.

The Spokane Regional Health District recommends one (1) chemical toilet for every 250 people, or portion thereof. Public park restrooms are available beginning first week of May through 3rd week in September. It is recommended the sponsor provide a portable toilet for events outside this time frame. We can help with rental option for portable restrooms which includes delivery and pick-up.

You must properly dispose of waste and garbage throughout the term of your event. Upon conclusion of the event, the area must be returned to a clean condition. If you fail to perform adequate clean-up, or damage occurs to City property, you will be billed at full cost recovery rates plus overhead for clean-up and repair. Contacting Solid Waste Department for disposable recycling and waste containers for your event is required and larger events with food and beverage may require additional dumpster rentals. Please work with your park event manager.

Spokane is a city that celebrates special events. We are proud to host hundreds of events each year in our parks. Parks and Recreation would like to thank you for using our parks as your venue, and for contributing to the spirit and vitality of our City through the staging of your event.

For more information, and to determine park availability for your event, contact Park Reservations at 509.363.5455 or submit a Park Reservation Inquiry Form.

  • Winter Activity Guide
  • Register for Classes

Contact Information

Weddings, Shelter/Gazebo and Picnic Reservations: 509.363.5455

Dawn Frey
Sales & Events Manager

Related Links

Annual Park Restroom Season

Due to weather limitations, the annual park restroom season runs from the first weekend in May through the third weekend in September. This restroom season includes all parks except Riverfront Park, Manito Park, Finch Arboretum, the SE Sports Complex and the Dwight Merkel Sports Complex.

Please Note: Early spring and later in the fall, portable toilets will be placed at youth sports sites and the more popular locations such as Mission Park, Audubon Park, Comstock Park and Franklin Park.