The Centers and Corridors Update Study project will assess the effectiveness of Centers and Corridors, a focused growth land use policy and zoning approach in the City of Spokane. The study will provide recommendations to update or change this growth strategy during the 2026 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update.
A team of consultants will lead this study and provide recommendations to inform updates to the comprehensive plan policies, development regulations, and design guidelines to ensure Centers and Corridors can adapt to current and future goals of the City. Recommendations will be based on high-level market research that grounds Centers and Corridors in feasible development options for Spokane.
The project began in Spring of 2023 and is expected to be completed by Summer of 2024.
Key Recommendations – April 29, 2024
Over the past year of assessment, public outreach, market analysis and concept development, several key recommendations emerged as priority updates to the Centers & Corridors framework. Please find detailed information about each recommendation below.
Plan Commission: Focus Area Concepts – April 10, 2024
City staff and the consultant team discussed recommendations of the study and presented graphic visualizations of how these regulatory updates would translate into changes in the built environment. Four different concepts were presented for selected focus areas in Centers and Corridors located throughout the city.
Plan Commission: Market Analysis and Initial Recommendations Overview – November 8, 2023
City staff and consultants conducted an initial workshop to discuss with the Plan Commission the outcomes of the market analysis and initial findings in the Comprehensive Plan, Development Regulations, and Design Standards recommendations.
City Planning will work with a consultant team to review comprehensive plan policies, development regulations. Major project components include:
The project will build on previous planning efforts and include feedback from current residents and community members, businesses, institutional and organizational stakeholders, investors, and agency partners.
Center and Corridor land use policies promote the efficient use of land by promoting density and mixed-use development in proximity to retail businesses, public services, places of work, and transportation systems. It is a strategy that directs growth to areas where adequate services and facilities are available. There are five different Center designations:
Center and Corridor land use policy was adopted in 2001 following a public outreach process called Spokane Horizons. Associated land use policies were implemented in December 2005.
The Spokane Horizons process surveyed thousands of community members across Spokane. The survey was titled: “50,000 people are coming to dinner… and they’re staying the night!” Two long-form questions asked:
Horizons considered three growth alternatives: Business as Usual (no change), Focused Growth: Central City, and Focused Growth: Mixed-Use Center and Corridor. Through community engagement, the survey, and growth analysis, the “Focused Growth: Mixed-Use Center and Corridor” strategy was identified as the preferred alternative.
The Ahwahnee Principles, which emphasize sustainable urban planning practices that incorporate a mix of uses, compactness, walkable, and transit-oriented developments, were foundational to the vision and goals of the Center and Corridor strategy. Center and Corridor designations are based on Community Principle 7: “the community should have a center focus that combines commercial, civic, cultural and recreation uses.”
The City of Spokane’s Comprehensive Plan, most recently updated in 2015, designates a number of Centers and Corridors throughout the City, as shown in the interactive map linked below.
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Colin Quinn-Hurst, AICP
Associate Planner
Tyler Kimbrell
Assistant Planner II
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