Hillyard Subarea Plan

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Project Description

This Subarea Plan will propose a series of revitalization and funding strategies to address the prolonged housing needs, infrastructure deficiencies, improve the quality of life, increase economic opportunity, and place brownfields and other underutilized properties back into productive use. This project will also address and seek to prevent the displacement of the existing residents and businesses as this area improves over time.

The Subarea Plan will result in a final document comprised of elements related to the community’s vision for its future, as well as land use and urban design, housing, transportation and mobility, utilities and drainage, open space and environment, economic development, and an action plan that will provide steps to implementation.

Hillyard Subarea Map

The Subarea Plan will approach reuse and revitalization planning as a series of six “Plan Areas” with the goal to recognize and address the unique land use and infrastructure needs for these geographic areas within the larger Focus Area. Plan Area boundaries may be adjusted through the planning process to recognize existing structures, parcel lines, and stakeholder recommendations.

The Subarea Plan Area encompasses the parcels and public rights-of-way within the Hillyard neighborhood (including its business district), the east Hillyard industrial area (also referred to as “the Yard”), portions of the east and west residential Hillyard Neighborhood and the western slopes of Beacon Hill. The approximate 1,740-acre Plan Area is generally bounded by Crestline Street to the west, East Wellesley Avenue/Garnet Avenue to the South, South Havana Street/North Fancher Beacon Lane to the east, and East Francis Avenue to the north.

This project was created from opportunities presented by the combination of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, an EPA Brownfields Grant, an Integrated Planning Grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology, and a direct investment from the Northeast Public Development Authority (NEPDA). A significant amount of past planning work has already occurred in Northeast Spokane and the project recognizes this and aims to build from those efforts to create a plan that will lead to tangible results in the short and midterm by providing comprehensive and realistic action and funding strategies.

Please stay tuned for upcoming surveys, public meetings, and workshops where you can participate in this effort and help make a difference.

Key Components

The Subarea Plan project will include the following key components:

  • Existing Conditions Analysis: A review of the existing conditions focusing on area character, housing, transportation/mobility networks, utility and drainage facilities, market conditions, and the current zoning/regulatory framework.
  • Past Plans and Technical Studies: The subarea planning process will review and build upon past planning documents and technical studies. Notably:
  • Community Engagement: The engagement plan will include community surveys, stakeholder group interviews, community workshops, and a project steering committee.
  • Opportunity Site Inventory: An inventory of each parcel in the Plan Area with a priority on legacy industrial, commercial and multifamily properties to document property conditions and to identify sites for potential development.
  • Catalyst Site/Area Planning: Detailed conceptual planning for one redevelopment site and two business district corridors to plan for future urban infill projects, streetscape enhancements, amenities, and other elements that would support area revitalization.
  • Urban Framework Plan/Revitalization Strategies: This plan will illustrate potential land use designations, redevelopment sites, streetscape/mobility projects, and other community amenities. An analysis of the long-range development potential on designated redevelopment sites in terms of land uses and development scale. A list of revitalization strategies focused on mobility, supportive infrastructure, amenities, marketing/branding, and management.
  • Fundings Strategies: An in-depth analysis of financing sources and structures the City/NEPDA can employ to leverage future investment, grants and local monies to fund capital improvement projects.
  • Subarea Plan Document: A final planning document that details the planning process, existing conditions analysis, planning ideas, and recommendations for implementation.
  • Project Approval / State Environmental Policy Act Checklist Support: Consultant support for the City/NEPDA to advance the Subarea Plan through the local adoption process.

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Contact Information

Tim Thompson, AICP
Principal Planner
City of Spokane Planning & Economic Development

Jesse Bank
Executive Director
Northeast Public Development Authority

Jackie Churchill
Planner I
City of Spokane Planning & Economic Development

Ryan Shea
Planner II
City of Spokane Planning & Economic Development