Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

North Bank Plan


North Bank

With several major public and private development projects recently completed, under construction, or planned for the future the potential for increased urban development reveals new needs and opportunities for the North Bank. The process of studying these future possibilities launched in 2019 with a site tour, kickoff meeting, and focus group interviews. A series of North Bank Plan workshops were held over three days, with attendees from the City, local stakeholders, key public representatives, partner agencies, and the public. Additionally, an online survey was available and survey responses have been used to help inform the vision for the area and guide the planning process.

Based on information gathered from the public engagement process and information gathering in the subarea, the consultant team of Community Attributes, Inc. (CAI) and MAKERS Architecture & Urban Design completed a study of land use and development conditions in the North Bank in late 2019. Many of the key findings and issues identified in this process were incorporated into the Downtown Plan Update, adopted by City Council in 2021.

Related Documents

Contact Information

Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information or with questions.

Planning Services

Items of Interest

North Bank Survey Results
North Bank Plan Video
North Bank Plan Handout
North Bank Plan Handout

View the handout (PDF 1.6 MB)

North Bank Development Environment Map