Equity Subcommittee

Spokane City Council is now recruiting members for the Equity Subcommittee. The Equity Subcommittee was adopted by Spokane City Council, November 29th 2021 to serve as an advisory body for council through the Finance and Administration Committee.

We are committed to promoting  equity and inclusion on the subcommittee and strongly encourage folks from a diverse array of backgrounds to apply. We define diversity broadly to include age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, geographical location, indigenous background, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, social class, and veteran status.

The purpose of the Equity Subcommittee is to:

  • Collaborate with the City Council and city departments on policy and budget initiatives
  • To build relationships between the City and impacted community members
  • To recommend any necessary changes to the Spokane Municipal Code and other necessary policy actions to advance equity and inclusion, including the diversity, equity and inclusion policy goals established by the City's Comprehensive Plan
  • To collaborate and consult with any other City council subcommittees, technical advisory group(s), City departments, and City's boards and commissions established by the City Administration in developing the framework and guidance for implementation; and
  • Other specific tasks as assigned or referred to the subcommittee by the City Council

Meeting Times: The Equity Subcommittee meets the first Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Tribal Conference Room on the first floor for City Hall – 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. If available, virtual meeting access information can be found in the applicable meeting agenda below.

Member Term Term Began Term Expiration
John Alder 1st 6/06/2022 06/2025
Sarah Dixit, Chair 1st 6/06/2022 06/2025
Kiana McKenna 1st 6/06/2022 06/2025
Stephaine Courtney, Vice Chair 1st 6/06/2022 06/2025
KJ January 1st 6/06/2022 06/2025
Jesus Torres 1st 6/06/2022 06/2025
Ana Trusty 1st 6/24/2024 06/2027
Lindsey Shaw 1st 6/24/2024 06/2027
Tyler Tamoush 1st 6/24/2024 06/2027
Wendy Schatz 1st 6/24/2024 06/2027


Spokane & Belonging Training
Spokane & Belonging


Training Materials

Additional Belonging Resources


Ongoing recruitment: We are continuing to recruit members with preference for people living in low income neighborhoods, English learners, and youth (ages 15-24), and veterans. We are also encouraging residents living in council districts 1 and 3 to apply.

Commitment: About 4-6 hours a month,

  • Monthly one and half hour subcommittee meeting
  • 2 hours to review documents and prepare for meetings
  • Additional workgroup meetings are possible

Application Links: English, Spanish, Russian, Marshallese.

Contact Equity Subcommittee Staff Alex Gibilisco at agibilisco@spokanecity.org or at 509.904.5465





Equity Spotlight: Civil Rights – Feb. 11, 2025

Equity Spotlight: The Equity of Childhood Development – Jan. 16, 2025

View other Spokane Equity Spotlight videos


Council Liaison
Lili Navarrete
City Council

Alex Gibilisco
City Council Manager of Equity and Inclusion Initiatives