Environmental Justice & Equity Workgroup

The Environmental Justice and Equity Workgroup (EJEW) is a program of Spokane’s City Council’s Sustainability Action Subcommittee. The purpose of the EJEW is to partner with residents and community based organizations to ensure a sustainable and healthy future for Spokane.

The following priorities were identified by community leaders as an initial set of goals to align our work with tangible action and hold ourselves accountable to serving communities:

  1. Build awareness of issues surrounding climate change and the environment by creating accessible community outreach opportunities
  2. Acknowledge and address environmental and health disparities related to air, water, and land pollution amongst our communities
  3. Improving physical and mental health outcomes through increasing access to the following:
    • Safe, affordable, and culturally appropriate food
    • Green spaces
    • Shade trees
    • Clean air (indoor and outdoor)
    • Safe, affordable housing
    • Renewable, clean energy choices
    • Clean, reliable, affordable transportation

The Environmental Justice & Equity Workgroup invites any member of the community interested in providing their perspective to join our group. Contact Kelly Thomas at kthomas@spokanecity.org for more information or to learn how you can get involved.

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Contact Information

Council Staff:
Kelly Thomas
Manager of Sustainability Initiatives