Spokane Youth share what is important to them about the draft Sustainability Action Plan.
Discover your unique contribution to sustainability action by filling out this diagram (PDF 120 KB).
For parents, camp counselors and youth leaders to download. This presentation provides information on sustainability. More importantly it provides opportunities for youth 9-14 to voice their ideas on sustainability to City Council as part of "Youth Voices." Included is an activity to help youth identify a role they can take in building a more sustainable and resilient future.
Download a presentation parents and educators can use to help young people consider how they interact with the natural environment. This PowerPoint contains guided questions for children to explore how our natural world makes us healthier and happier and an activity that will be made part of the "Youth Voices" presentation to City Council.
Kelly Thomas
808 W. Spokane Falls Boulevard,
Spokane, WA 99201-3335