City working to implement new crosswalk ordinance

Crosswalks would be installed during construction projects

Brian Coddington, Communications Director, 509.625.6740

Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 2 p.m.

The Spokane City Council voted 5-1 Monday in favor of a crosswalk ordinance aimed at making the city safer for pedestrians, bicyclists and others in the most pedestrian heavy parts of town.

To save money, any crosswalk projects will come out of street funds and will only be installed during street maintenance or improvements in the area. The new crosswalk ordinance applies to reconstructed, rehabilitated, or resurfaced streets, and other situations where funding can be secured for a marked crosswalk.

Under the new ordinance, potential crosswalk projects can be identified for:

  • Designated areas, such as centers and corridors, schools, parks, and other pedestrian generating areas
  • Areas other than previously mentioned, if an engineering study determines their need

Neighborhood Councils will be consulted regarding marked crosswalks in their neighborhood boundaries. The ordinance also addresses regional trail crossings.

City administration is now considering the adoption of policies and procedures to implement the new crosswalk ordinance.