Solid Waste collection is on its normal schedule on Monday's Martin Luther King Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

City Prepares For Expected Snowstorm

Marlene Feist, 509.625.6505

Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 1:53 p.m.

With six or more inches of snow in the forecast for Friday and even more forecast in the following days, the City of Spokane has made preparations to keep citizens moving and to provide support to those experiencing homelessness.

The City Street Department has made preparations to complete deicing and plowing, as needed, and is ready to complete a full-City Plow if weather conditions warrant it. The City launches full-City Plow efforts at about four inches of snow accumulation; they work 24 hours a day until all the streets are plowed. A full-City Plow takes about 3 days, but since the forecast shows multiple days in a row with snow, this work could be extended. Here’s a short video about our plans.

Plowing equipment has been tuned up, and stocks of deicer and sand are sufficient for the upcoming weather. Crews from Water and Wastewater are on call to assist Street snow response crews with plowing efforts. Customer service representatives at 3-1-1 are prepared to work over the weekend to respond to citizen concerns.

Citizens are asked to park on the odd side of the street in residential areas during snow response efforts and to assist their neighbors with shoveling sidewalk snow. The City will clear sidewalks around its own properties, including around parks, with priority given to routes leading to schools and bus stops.

Citizens can bookmark the City’s snow information web page to get updates or follow @spokanecity on Facebook and Twitter.

Meanwhile, a variety of services are available for those experiencing homelessness. The City’s shelter and warming center partners are equipped to handle additional individuals during the snowstorm and the very cold weather forecast for next week. City employees from Police and Fire will be able to direct individuals and families to services.

Here is a list of shelters and drop-in day services:

Emergency Shelters & Warming Centers:

  • House of Charity
  • Hope House for Women
  • Crosswalk for Teens
  • YWCA Shelter for Domestic Violence
  • Open Doors Family Shelter
  • UGM
  • UGM for Women & Children
  • The Salvation Army Shelter for Families
  • Truth Ministries
  • Rising Strong for Families
  • Cannon Street Warming Center

Drop-In Day Centers:

  • Women’s Hearth (for women)
  • City Gate
  • House of Charity
  • Cup of Cold Water (ages 24 & under)
  • Crosswalk for Teens
  • Open Doors for Families