Alicia Ayars

Housing Quality Definitions & Standards – Community Forum

Alicia Ayars, Community Programs Coordinator, 509.625.6780

Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 10:33 a.m.

Housing Quality Definitions & Standards – Community Forum

Updated: 07/13/2017

Housing is a necessity to creating diverse, equitable neighborhoods and is a major contributor to a well-functioning city. The City of Spokane recognizes that in order to drive economic and social benefits for the city and its residents, quality housing is essential.

In 2016, the Mayor’s Housing Quality Task Force Final Report identified 19 priority recommendations. One of these recommendations was to define and establish a minimum definition and a set of standards for housing quality in Spokane. The minimum housing quality definition and standards would apply to both owner-occupied and rental housing.

Since the Mayor’s Housing Quality Task Force has concluded in the fourth quarter of 2016 a Project Team was established. The project team will lead the work effort in identifying a minimum definition and standard and will consider other means of improving housing quality that are less restrictive to property owners. This includes identifying incentives or incentive programs for property owners to utilize in order to improve overall housing quality. A cross-examination of city practices will take place as well as recommendations to improve or change those practices.

This process includes a community engagement component to allow for community input and feedback.

The public meetings are scheduled for the following dates, time and location:

  • Tuesday, June 13 – Northeast Community Center, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday, June 14 – West Central Community Center, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday, June 15 – East Side Public Library, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

The public meetings will be open for people to drop in and provide feedback on the housing quality definition and standards. If you are not available to attend the public meetings please review the draft housing quality standards below and provide feedback to Alicia Ayars by phone 509.625.6780 or by email The public feedback on the draft standards will be open until June 30th after which this information will be reported back to the Project Team for consideration and possible inclusion or removal from the final draft.

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For questions and comments contact Alicia Ayars by phone at 509.625.6780 or email at

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