Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.
Nathan Gwinn

Help a New Test Map Support Responsible Investments

Nathan Gwinn, Assistant Planner, Planning & Development Services, 509.625.6893

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 5:13 p.m.

Help a New Test Map Support Responsible Investments

The City of Spokane invites the public to test its beta Development Factors map application. To respond to constant change, community policies define how and where different types of building activity may occur.  This map tool helps citizens understand where new development could occur throughout the city based on existing information. 

The map shows when a property is likely vacant, within economic incentive areas, or near amenities like existing streets, water mains, parks, grocery stores, and frequent transit routes. By aggregating all of this information in one location, the mapping application helps people identify parcels with development potential.

Locating development near these existing services, streets, and utilities helps realize community policies.  Growth is more efficient, reducing the costs of essential services such as fire and police protection, trash collection, and transit. It also promotes more walkable communities and bolsters local businesses. Lastly, developing more efficiently in the city eases pressure to develop land in other locations that is important for protection of the natural environment and resources.

Improved access to this information makes it easier for people to make responsible investment choices. The map’s information can be used to engage family members, neighbors, and friends in discussions about how best to meet each neighborhood’s needs.

Development Factors Map Screenshots

Please take a few moments to share this tool and tell us how we can improve it by following the instructions below.

  1. To get started, please see the Visual Searching section on page 5, and Development Factors Layers Descriptions on page 18 of the tutorial.
  2. Open the map and zoom in by searching an address or using the +/- buttons on the screen to show all layers in the layer list (it must be zoomed in at least four times to show all layers). Then explore by turning the items in the layer list off and on.  The layer “Parcels w/ Development Potential” highlights parcels matching the criteria described in the tutorial.
  3. We encourage you to provide your feedback on the map and its features by filling out the short survey before Saturday, September 30.  Please indicate who should be notified about this product, and tell us how the City can best improve access to this and other public resources in the comment section below.  You may also send comments to Nathan Gwinn, or Omar Akkari,

The map was developed following recommendations from the City’s Infill Development Steering Committee and Mayor’s Housing Quality Task Force in 2016. For more information about these efforts, please visit the project pages listed below.

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