Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.
Jessica Fisher

SPD Working Hand-in-Hand with Spokane Residents

Jessica Fisher, Public Information Assistant, 509.625.6749

Monday, November 27, 2017 at 10:01 a.m.

SPD Working Hand-in-Hand with Spokane Residents

The Spokane Police Department is dedicated to working hand-in-hand with our residents to ensure we all live in a safe, vibrant, and healthy community. SPD officers participate in a wide variety of community outreach programs ranging from the junior police academy to partnering with mental health agencies on Crisis Intervention Training. During the 2017, International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference the Spokane Police Department’s was highlighted for their community outreach efforts. The conference showcased the Spokane Police Department’s Police Activities League, Youth Police Initiative and Neighborhood Resource Officers.

The Police Activities League or PAL was formed in 2013 and is a collaboration between the Spokane Police Department and community members committed to the health of Spokane’s youth. During the summer months, PAL provides positive interactions between officers and at-risk youth through fun and educational activities. These activities include athletics, STEM activities, art activities and gang and drug prevention. This program has helped participating officers build great mentor relationship with numerous Spokane youth.

The Youth Police Initiative known as YPI, increases communication and improves the relationship of teenagers and police officers. The goal of YPI is to break the cycle of mistrust that commonly exists between youth and police in our community. Participating youth and officers are encouraged to be authentic while sharing their stories. The reciprocal sharing of life experiences, as well as goals and dreams, humanizes their relationships and shows them how much they have in common. The YPI program brings enormous benefits to the community, reduces crime, and helps youth develop positive attitudes towards police and their communities.

Every Spokane neighborhood has a Neighborhood Resource Officer commonly called a NRO. Spokane Police Department NROs have unique positions allowing time to identify and address specific crimes and quality of life issues in their assigned area. A typical NRO will work on anything from drug houses to ongoing neighborhood disputes to analyzing crime trends. Every day NROs work throughout our neighborhoods building relationships with City of Spokane citizens.

For more information on Spokane Police Department Community Outreach programs visit,

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