Language Identification Card

The I Speak... Language Identification Card is a tool for law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies to identify the language of individuals they encounter who do not speak English.

As the limited English proficient (LEP) population continues to increase nationwide, the number of LEP defendants, victims, and witnesses processed through the criminal justice system will also increase. This guide can help to obtain interpretive services, which is the first step in working with LEP persons. It is also intended as a resource for the criminal justice community to ensure consistent and effective interaction with LEP persons.

I Speak... was re-created and adapted as a partnership effort between DeKalb County Magistrate Court’s Compliance Project, Caminar Latino, Men Stopping Violence, Raksha, Inc, Tapestri, Inc, and Women’s Resource Center to End Domestic Violence.

Know the Number

Emergency Services
Situations requiring IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE from Police, Fire or ambulance: call 911

Mental Health Crisis
Situations requiring IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE by phone from trained mental health counselors: call 988

Crime Check
Non-emergency police services: call 509.456.2233 to report crimes no longer in process or submit crime tips.
Crime Check Online Reporting also available.

City Services
Non-emergency reporting of potholes, graffiti, or unlawful camping, utility billing, and general information on city services: call 311 or report online

Social Services
Social services and community resources like housing, food, and employment help: call 211

For general police email contact: