Community compliments for the Spokane Police Department

Monique Cotton, Communications Director, 509.363.8285

Thursday, December 19, 2013 at 11:35 a.m.

The Spokane Police Department received the following compliments (these are just a few) in the past month.

“You guys are amazing! My office is at Monroe and Sharp so we just heard the big crash and people everywhere looking at the accident and I am so impressed with how quickly you guys got here to take care of everything.”
- Jenny

“The West Central Community would like to send a HUGE hug and thanks to our officers and all agencies involved for ridding our neighborhood of a very troublesome drug house!! We got back our safety and peace!!! We are very grateful for your help and are glad you are all SAFE!!”
- Jamie

“I want to give great big hugs to the officer who responded when I thought I heard a prowler, thank you for keeping our neighborhood safe”
- Lisa

“BIG THANKS to SPD’s Major Crimes Detectives for concluding the last 2 pharmacy robberies in 6 days. Nice Work guys!!! Much appreciated!!”
- Larry

“I wanted to thank one of your Officers, David Stone, for taking my 16 year old son on a ride along last night. Ofc. Stone was awesome! Our son wants to be a police office in the future and Ofc. Stone spoke to him in great length about his education and future military/police work. Ofc. Stone treated our son with respect and answered all of his questions. Our son was impressed with how respectful Ofc. Stone was to all of the citizens he encountered that night. This was our first experience with Spokane PD and we were very impressed with the way we were treated. You should be proud of the Officers like David Stone, he was an exemplary role model. Thank you.”
- Lori

“Officer C. Conrath was exceedingly helpful when he responded to my 911 call in regards to my son. Being diagnosed with several mental disorders, sometimes my son can be difficult to handle. Officer C. Conrath was patient, understanding but also firm and honest with my son. I hope I don’t have to call again, but if I must, I pray it is Officer C. Conrath that responds!! Thank you for everything, Officer Conrath!!!”
- Velda

“I have twice been assisted by Police Officers in Spokane and both times, the Officers were very courteous, professional and made difficult situations bearable. Today at approximately 2:26 P.M., my daughter’s vehicle was stolen from Lewis and Clark High School. The Officer who arrived and made the report was D. Kennedy, Badge # 288. To say the least, he was a true professional and again, making a difficult situation almost pleasant because of the way he conducted himself. Additionally, I have been helped by Sgt. K. Vigessa and it is an extreme understatement to say he is the highest caliber, most professional police officer I have ever been in contact with.”
- Michael

“I am sending this on behalf of my aunt and uncle. They asked me to pass on their thanks and gratitude to Officer Mayhew. Officer Mayhew responded to an incident at Shari’s on Monroe St. in the morning hours of Sunday, 11/17. My uncle was assaulted by a perfect stranger while outside of the restaurant. Michael and his wife Phyllis would like to commend Officer Mayhew on the way he handled the situation. They said that this officer treated both them and the suspect with respect and professionalism. Officer Mayhew was kind while still “getting the job done.” Please extend our family’s thanks to Officer Mayhew for keeping everyone involved safe.”
– M.J.

“I reported theft of numerous books from the Gonzaga Law Library, as well as the other library at Gonzaga University. Detective Madsen took the case and within a day after meeting with him, he was able to recover thousands of stolen books from Gonzaga University Libraries. I want to thank Detective Madsen, as well as the five other police officers and detectives, who worked on recovering the university’s property. Thanks to everyone at Spokane Police Department.”

Contact Police

For in progress crimes and emergencies call 911

To report a non-emergent crime contact:

To provide crime activity or suspect information that doesn't require immediate action contact:

For general police email contact:

For nuisance reports, including code violations (i.e. illegal camping, substantial litter in yards or alleys, graffiti, land use violations), parking complaints, and road condition issues contact:

Media Relations Contact

Julie Humphreys