Application Number: Z20-206COMP
Address: 155 E Cleveland Ave (additional properties added by Plan Commission)
Parcels: 35082.0919 (see below for additional affected parcels)
Size: 6.8 acres (6.0 acres added by Plan Commission)
Location: NE of E Clevland Ave and N Mayfair St
Neighborhoods: Logan
Proposed Amendments: Land Use Plan Map Designation and Zoning Designation
Land Use Change: "Residential 4-10" to "Residential 15"
Zoning Change: "Residential Single-Family" to "Residential"
Lindsay Kornegay, Witherspoon Kelley
A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map. This project is a combined private/City application for a 2020/2021 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Amendment.
City of Spokane
Department of Planning Services
808 W Spokane Falls Blvd
Spokane, WA 99201
Kevin Freibott
Assistant Planner II