Reminder: Winter once-per-month green carts collection and Christmas Tree pickup is this week, January 6th – 10th, on your regularly scheduled pickup day. This is the final week for Christmas Tree pickup. Please have your carts and tree out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day.

Bicycle Parking Code Update

Getting around the City of Spokane is becoming diversified and human-powered travel is gaining traction as a cost-effective and healthy mode of transportation. More than ever, options are available to walk or roll around the city for people of various ages, incomes, and abilities. To progress towards achieving the vision and goals of the Comprehensive Plan and Bicycle Master Plan, the City of Spokane is proposing bicycle parking code updates to make riding your bike more accessible.

Project Purpose

This project will update the bicycle parking code language (SMC 17C.230.200) to be consistent with current and anticipated demands for cycling and ensure that cycling is a viable transportation option. Recognizing that cycling contributes to achieving multiple city goals, this project will enhance the provision of accessible and user-friendly bicycle parking.

Topics include:

  • Addressing bicycle parking requirements for new buildings
  • Identifying thresholds for redevelopment at which point bicycle parking requirements will apply
  • Identifying standards for the design and siting of short-term and long-term bicycle parking

Project Timeline

  • December 6: Plan Commission Transportation Subcommittee
  • January 17: Bicycle Advisory Board
  • January 25: Plan Commission Workshop
  • February 15: Virtual Open House
  • February 22: Plan Commission Workshop
  • April 12: Plan Commission Public Hearing
  • June 5: City Council Public Hearing & Action

