A Bicycle Priority Network (BPN) maps a fully connected network of safe, comfortable, all-ages bicycle routes connecting people to almost anywhere they want to go in the city. For Spokane, defining a BPN supports the development of future goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan, prioritizes bicycle infrastructure on specific streets when the street network is being improved or redesigned and assists in project selection for grant funding opportunities.
The City of Spokane is working with a consultant team to establish a scoring framework and draft a map of high-scoring routes from the framework which will then be released to the Bicycle Advisory Board and the broader community to obtain feedback. Major project components include:
Following this project, subsequent public involvement will seek feedback to consider the formal adoption of the Bicycle Priority Network as one component of the upcoming Periodic Update of the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
Supporting safe travel by bicycle depends on providing a connected network of high-quality routes. The US Department of Transportation (USDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) recognize this in recent research and design guidance:
Using this research and guidance, North American cities applied these principles to plan priority networks for safe multi-modal travel by people of all ages and abilities. Notable examples include Edmonton, Alberta, which identified a District Connector Network of high-priority bikeways, and Washington, DC, which conducted an intensive prioritization study to identify a Bicycle Priority Network. These networks are now under construction.
Example networks:
The City of Spokane's Bicycle Priority Network study builds on this rich knowledge base of national-level guidance and practical city-level implementation, supporting the consultant team’s expert network analysis with community and advisory board feedback.
Tyler Kimbrell, AICP
Assistant Planner II
Colin Quinn-Hurst, AICP
Associate Planner