Integrated Capital Management

Integrated Capital Management facilitates the development and implementation of sewer, water, and street infrastructure projects and programs in support of the City's comprehensive plan. It promotes enterprise-wide efficiencies by applying proven and emerging geographic information system technologies.

Integrated Capital Management maintains the Six-Year Capital Program Plans for:

  • Streets Department
  • Water and Hydro Utility
  • Wastewater Utility
  • Stormwater Utility

The Six Year Comprehensive Programs are annually updated and presented to the City of Spokane Plan Commission for recommendation and to Spokane City Council for adoption. Staff works directly with the departments within Public Works and Utilities to identify and coordinate capital projects and to scope projects. The Integrated Capital Management performs strategic infrastructure planning, conducts special studies, and provides general planning functions to support the Public Works and Utilities Departments. Staff seeks, develops, and administers grants, loans and other revenue sources for the City's capital projects.

The Integrated Capital Management also maintains and updates the Base Map Layer for the City of Spokane's GIS component.


Six Year Programs

6-Year Street Program
6-Year Wastewater & Stormwater Utility Program
6-Year Water Program