2025 Single Family Residential Utility Rates


Type of Cart Rate
(Per Month)
1-30 Gal Refuse Cart $23.22
1-60 Gal Refuse Cart $42.04
1-90 Gal Refuse Cart $61.39
Yard Waste Recycle Cart
This optional service has been upgraded. Yard and food waste curbside services are adding winter pickups the weeks of Jan. 6-10, Feb. 3-7 and Dec. 1-5, 2025. Weekly pickup will occur March through Nov. This fee will be included on your bill every month.


Charge Inside City Rate
(Per Month)
Outside City Rate
(Per Month)
Wastewater $37.74 $66.05
Water Service $19.04 $28.56
Stormwater $5.31 Not Applicable
Water-Wastewater Capital $34.43 $39.46

Some single-family residential customers who use less water receive a wastewater bill discount of $7.50 a month ($90 a year) based on their indoor water usage. View more information about the credit.

Customers who only receive one service—water or wastewater—will have a pro-rated capital rate based on the service they receive.

Water Consumption Charges

Water meters measure in cubic feet. The City of Spokane bills consumption based on units. A unit is equal to 100 cubic feet or approximately 748 gallons. This chart is based on per month usage.

Water Usage

Step Usage Cubic Feet Inside City Rate* Outside City Rate*
1 1-6 units 0-600 cfs $ 0.3581/unit $ 0.5371/unit
2 6-12 units 600-1,200 cfs $ 0.7577/unit $ 1.1366/unit
3 12-25 units 1,200-2,500 cfs $ 1.0193/unit $ 1.5291/unit
4 25-45 units 2,500-4,500 cfs $ 1.6115/unit $ 2.4173/unit
5 Over 45 units 4,500+ cfs $ 2.3179/unit $ 3.4769/unit

*Per water unit, rounded to the nearest cent.

Find General information on Commercial Rates. For information about specific bills for commercial account, contact Utilities Billing at 311 or for outside city limits, 509.755.CITY (2489).

Budget Billing

City of Spokane utility bills vary from month to month based on the amount of water a customer uses. For greater consistency of billing amounts, customers can request a budget billing option that spreads amounts evenly across all months of the year.

Customers can call Utilities Billing at 311 or for outside city limits, 509.755.CITY (2489) Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. to set up budget billing for their accounts.

Senior & Disabled Credits

The City has added credits of up to $15/month total for low-income seniors and disabled individuals who have an active property tax exemption through Spokane County. Call 3-1-1 for information or learn more online.

Contact Information

Utility Billing
Spokane City Hall
808 W Spokane Falls Blvd
Spokane, WA 99201

Hours: Monday-Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Phone: 311, or for outside city limits, 509.755.CITY (2489)
7 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Email: ubill@spokanecity.org