Ethics Commission

Authorized by and Date: Authorized by Ordinance C36532. Passed City Council on July 8, 2024, and effective on August 16, 2024. Code of Ethics – Spokane Municipal Code Ch. 1.04 B, as amended.

Mission Statement/Purpose: It is the policy of the City of Spokane to uphold, promote and demand the highest standards of ethics from all of its employees and City officers, whether elected, appointed or hired. City officers and employees shall maintain the utmost standards of responsibility, trustworthiness, integrity, truthfulness, honesty and fairness in carrying out their public duties, avoid any improprieties in their roles as public servants including the appearance of impropriety, and never use their City position, authority or resources for personal gain.

Membership: The Ethics Commission is comprised of seven members who are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Ethics Commission appointees include representatives from the following segments of the community:

  1. A person with a professional or academic background in the legal profession including attorneys, law professors or members of the judiciary.
  2. A person from local business with experience in human resources/personnel.
  3. A person who possesses familiarity with government and the political process.
  4. A person with experience in ethics.

The City Attorney appoints a Staff Director to the Ethics Commission to provide assistance as necessary for the Commission to fulfill its obligations and duties.

Terms: 3-year terms

Meeting date, time and place: The Ethics Commission shall schedule and announce its meet times consistent with City policy and the Open Public Meetings Act RCW Chapter 42.30.

Members Appointed Expiration Term
Lisa Drake 6/10/2024 12/31/2027 1st
Maggie ApRoberts-Warren 6/10/2024 12/31/2027 1st
Melanie Meagher 6/10/2024 12/31/2027 1st
Ivan “Merle” Iverson 4/1/2019 12/31/2024 2nd
Gail Heck-Sweeney 4/1/2019 12/31/2024 2nd
Jennifer Huffaker 9/30/2024 12/31/2027 1st
Patrick J. Harder 01/06/2025 01/06/2028 1st

Ethics Commmission General Documents

Filing a Complaint

To file an ethics complaint with the City of Spokane Ethics commission, fill out a complaint form and follow the enclosed instructions.

Requests for Approval to Contract With Former City Employees, and Decisions

Ethics Complaints

03/03/2025 Ethics Complaint by Habets re Zappone
10/25/2024 Ethics Complaint by French re Marler
07/24/2024 Ethics Complaint by Auton re Zappone and Wilkerson
07/23/2024 Ethics Complaint by Auton re Klitzke, Zappone, Wilkerson
06/26/2024 Ethics Complaint by Auton re Klitzke
07/12/2023 Ethics Complaint by Justin Haller re David Eric Lund
06/20/2023 Ethics Complaint by Dave M re Beggs, Wilkerson, Stratton, Zappone, Kinnear
05/31/2023 Ethics Complaint by Muller re Wilkerson
05/31/2023 Ethics Complaint by Muller re Carlos
05/31/2023 Ethics Complaint by Muller re Gunn
05/15/2023 Ethics Complaint by Muller re Zappone
04/10/2023 Ethics Complaint by Hough re Nagy
09/08/2022 Ethics Complaint by Andrews re Odegard
05/05/2022 Ethics Complaint by Bassler re Beggs
07/10/2020 Ethics Complaint by Ferguson re Non-City Employees
01/02/2020 Ethics Complaint by Leute re Polson and Trautman
09/13/2019 Ethics Complaint by Muller re Stratton
09/13/2019 Ethics Complaint by Conrow Redmond Re Cavanaugh, Steinolfson and Collins
12/20/2018 Ethics Complaint by Murray Re Burke
12/20/2018 Ethics Complaint by Anonymous Re Stuckart
12/09/2018 Ethics Complaint by Shane Brynelsen Re Burke
12/09/2018 Ethics Complaint by Katherine Brynelsen Re Burke
03/03/2017 Ethics Complaint by Shogan Re Condon and Sanders
10/06/2016 Ethics Complaint Re-filed by Shogan Re Condon
07/14/2016 Ethics Complaint by Pendleton Re Schertz, Anderson, Yamada and McCord
07/14/2016 Ethics Complaint by Pendleton Re Jones
07/14/2016 Ethics Complaint by Pendleton Re Giles and Mulkey
07/13/2016 Ethics Complaint by Pendleton Re Redd
07/01/2016 Ethics Complaint by Pendleton Re Shaffer
06/30/2016 Ethics Complaint by Pendleton Re Roberge and Wuthrich
2016-04-19 Ethics Complaint by Cannon Re McDaniel
02/22/2016 Ethics Complaint by McGrath Re Stuckart
01/03/2016 Ethics Complaint by Miller Re Condon
12/30/2015 Ethics Complaint by Simon Re Condon
12/30/2015 Ethics Complaint by Murray Re Fagan
12/22/2015 Ethics Complaint by Jones for Spokane Area NOW re Condon
12/15/2015 Ethics Complaint by Simon Re Condon
12/08/2015 Ethics Complaint by Spitzer Re Condon
12/02/2015 Ethics Complaint by Shogan Re Condon
11/30/2015 Ethics Complaint by Pendleton re Condon
10/12/2015 Ethics Complaint by Lichty Re Sanders
10/12/2015 Ethics Complaint by Lichty Re Coddington
07/19/2015 Ethics Complaint by Snyder Re Fagan
07/13/2015 Ethics Complaint by Zapatocky Re Pfister
06/15/2015 Ethics Complaint by Condon Stuckart Re Dolezal

Advisory Opinions & Findings






Staff Liaison
Megan Kapaun
Assistant City Attorney
Ethics Commission Staff Director