Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Spokane City/County Historic Landmarks Commission

Authorized by and Date: SMC 17D.100.030.

Mission Statement/Purpose: The City and Spokane County find that the establishment of a landmarks commission with specific duties to recognize, protect, enhance and preserve those buildings, districts, objects, sites and structures which serve as visible reminders of the historical, archaeological, architectural, educational and cultural heritage of the city and county is a public necessity. The Spokane City/County Historic Landmarks Commission functions under a joint ordinance passed by both the City and County in 1981 and 1982. Its purpose is to provide stewardship of the historic and architecturally significant properties in the City and County. The Commission has the responsibility of recommending the designation of historic landmarks and districts to the Spokane Register of Historic Places, and of managing those landmarks once they are designated.

Commission Requirements: The Historic Landmarks Commission consists of eleven members who have demonstrated experience and/or interest in historic preservation. The City Council appoints seven members from specific professions and two city residents at large to the Commission. The County Commissioners appoint two county residents at large. Commissioners term of office is three years. No member will be deemed to have served one term if he/she resigns or is removed after appointment or if he/she serves an unexpired term of less than two years. No member may serve more than two consecutive terms of three years, unless the City Council or County Commissioners shall so designate.

Meeting date, time and location: Landmarks Commission meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 3 p.m. in the Council Briefing Center, Lower Level, City Hall.

Member Title Term Expiration
Austin Dickey, Chair Architect 12/31/2024
Ray Rast, Vice Chair Historian 12/31/2024
Elizabeth Wood Historian 12/31/2025
Chris Noll Archaeologist 12/31/2025
Cole Taylor Real Estate Appraiser 12/31/2025
Nicholas Reynolds City At-Large 12/31/2025
Tom Sawyer Preservation Construction Specialist 12/31/2025
Kenneth "Mac" McCandless Architect 12/31/2025
Dawn Wynne County At-Large 12/31/2026
Jill-Lynn Nunemaker County At-Large 12/31/2025
Amanda Paulson City At-Large 12/31/2024
Megan Duvall Historic Preservation Officer  
Logan Camporeale Historic Preservation Specialist  




City Liaison
Megan Duvall
Historic Preservation Officer

Items of Interest

Historic Preservation Website