Kevin Freibott

Comprehensive Plan Update Coming to Plan Commission

Kevin Freibott, Assistant Planner, Planning & Development, No Phone Number Available

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 11:37 a.m.

Comprehensive Plan Update Coming to Plan Commission

After more than four years of work by the Planning and Development department – not to mention the hard work of more than 70 citizens and local agency representatives, the Plan Commission, and the City Council – the 2017 update to the City’s Comprehensive Plan is nearly assembled and ready for a hearing before the City’s Plan Commission.

The Comprehensive Plan is the overall plan for the growth of the City through the next 20 years.  Known as Shaping Spokane, this year’s update will include many small changes designed to eliminate redundant policies and language in the document, clarify many of the policies, bring the document up to date since its last update in 2006/2007, and add a few new policies concerning food security and access, mobile home parks, annexations and land use, urban design, historic preservation, neighborhood participation, quality of life, and more.

Shaping Spokane has been the subject of a lengthy and expansive public outreach process, including several Policy Focus Groups who advised on the changes to many of the chapters, multiple public meetings with neighborhood councils, the Community Assembly, and others, and a series of open houses last fall.  The City thanks each and every one of you who attended those events and/or gave us your comments on the plan.

The hearing before the Plan Commission is tentatively scheduled for March 8, 2017.  Final notice will be posted on our website at and in the local newspaper, City website, and other locations. In the meantime, information on the plan can be found at

An updated final draft for Shaping Spokane will be available on the website on February 21. If you have any questions on Shaping Spokane or the process going forward, please don’t hesitate to email us at or by phone at 509.625.6300.

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