Solid Waste collection is on its normal schedule on Monday's Martin Luther King Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.
Abigail Martin

Spokane Matters, Improving Each District

Abigail Martin, Community Programs Coordinator, No Phone Number Available

Friday, June 9, 2017 at 3:37 p.m.

Spokane Matters, Improving Each District

Updated: 06/16/2017

Spokane Matters is a pilot initiative facilitated by the Office of Neighborhood Services whereby City staff and Community stakeholders come together on a quarterly basis to look Districtwide at District-specific issues and form collaborative teams that come up with solutions and strategies for selected topics.

Districts can provide an appropriate scale for looking at challenges that may be larger than a neighborhood but not applicable Citywide, and the combination of professional City staff and Community stakeholders that intimately know their district can foster creative solutions.

While Spokane is comprised of three Districts, Spokane Matters considers the Downtown to be its own district with its own unique challenges and initiatives. Therefore, the Downtown is considered a district when it comes to this program, and the boundary is loosely drawn around the downtown area in an effort to allow the projects that arise to be organic and adaptive to the general area.

History and Where We’re Headed:

The Community’s list of short and long term concerns by district drives the selection of projects and the focus of the Spokane Matters pilot. A few projects initiated in this pilot have come to a close, some are being replicated incorporating lessons learned, and others are on-going.

Consolidated City and Community meetings occur on a quarterly basis and are projected out through the end of 2017. Each District has a quarterly meeting, and each project team within that district meets as needed in order to achieve their benchmarks and report back to the group at the subsequent quarterly meeting.

After the Quarter 2 meetings (June), we will begin collecting data via surveys. The idea is to get some formative feedback which can help us make real-time changes to the execution of the pilot and also to collect summative feedback at the end of 2017 in order to reflect holistically on where we can go from here and what we learned from this pilot program.

For more information on Spokane Matters, including your next district meeting, visit your District’s page or contact Abbey Martin in the Office of Neighborhood Services at, 509.625.6858.

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