Fields and Sports Facilities

The City of Spokane Parks & Recreation Department manages the athletic field scheduling for the City of Spokane to assure quality maintenance, equitable distribution and maximum use by the public, and when necessary, protection of fields from overuse.

Individuals or groups requesting rental of athletic fields for games or practices must complete the Field Allocation Process, as detailed below.

Detailed Descriptions of Fields and Sports Facilities

Dwight Merkel Sports Complex

Built by funds from a 2007 voter-approved Parks Improvement Bond, our newly renovated north side sports complex boasts many new and updated features:

  • Six full size natural grass soccer fields
  • Two full size synthetic athletic fields with lights
  • Six ball diamonds (five of which are lit)
  • Concessions, rest rooms and meeting space
  • BMX track with lights and timing equipment
  • Skate park
  • Neighborhood park with playground and splash pad
  • Paved perimeter trail, plus an unpaved hiking trail approximately 1-mile long that leads down to Riverside State Park's trails and offers outstanding views of the Spokane River
RV Parking

To register for an RV spot please go to Please print your emailed receipt/permit and place on your vehicle’s dashboard. For questions, please feel free to contact our office at: 509.625.6208 or On-site restrooms will remain open and available to guests during event hours. All camping is dry land only (no hook-ups).

All applications are processed on a first come first serve basis. We have a limited number of spots available.

BMX Track

Check out the latest Information and Schedule!

The BMX track is open from April through October and may close depending on precipitation. Get more information on the Joe Albi BMX Facebook page.


Open Dawn until Dusk

Racing Schedule

Thursday & Saturday, April – October, 7 p.m.
Must hold a valid USA BMX Membership*

*USA BMX Memberships are available at the track on race days or online at USABMX.COM.

Southeast Sports Complex

Appropriately named by its location on the South Hill, the Southeast Complex has many full and smaller sized fields. The complex has a small rest room and concession building.

Master Plan

The Southeast Complex Master Plan is the result of collaboration with Parks staff, the Southgate Neighborhood, and stakeholders to help prioritize future development and improvements to the complex. Parks & Recreation is currently working with KXLY on future improvements including increased access and parking, improved Regal Street streetscape, new soccer field, new restroom facility and the design of the neighborhood trail through the complex.

Franklin Sports Complex

Field Map

The Franklin Park Sports Complex, located in Franklin Park, is home to a five-plex softball complex, soccer fields, and other recreational and sporting pursuits.

Tennis and Pickleball Courts

Throughout the city parks system are many tennis courts that host neighborhood pick-up games, parks and recreation classes and many tennis events. Tennis courts are available to rent for $3/hr. per court.

Mission Park – 8 Courts Available
Comstock Park – 6 Courts Available
All other tennis courts within City parks are first-come first-served.

Tennis Courts
  • A.M. Cannon Park, 1511 N. Elm St., 2 Courts
  • Coeur d' Alene Park, 2195 W. 2nd Ave., 1 Court
  • Comstock Park, 601 W. 29th Ave., 6 Courts
  • Corbin Park, 2914 N. West Oval St, 1 court
  • Franklin Park, 302 W. Queen Ave., 3 Courts
  • Friendship Park, 631 E. Greta Ave., 2 Courts
  • Grant Park, 1015 S. Arthur St., 2 Courts
  • Mission Park, 1208 E. Mission Ave., 8 Courts
  • Peaceful Valley Park, 1602 W. Water Ave., 1 Court
  • Sky Prairie Park, 8501 N. Nettleton Ct., 2 Courts
  • Underhill Park, 2910 E. Hartson Ave., 1 Court
  • Westgate Park, 5402 W. Conestoga Ave., 1 Court
Tennis Courts Striped for Pickleball
  • A.M. Cannon Park, 1511 N. Elm St.
  • Comstock Park, 601 W. 29th Ave.
  • Mission Park, 1208 E. Mission Ave.
  • Peaceful Valley Park, 1602 W. Water Ave.
  • Sky Prairie Park, 8501 N. Nettleton Ct.
Dedicated Pickleball Courts
  • Corbin Park, 2914 N. West Oval St, 2 courts

Ball Fields

Throughout the city parks system are a variety of fields that host many of youth and adult practices, leagues and sporting events. These park ball fields are available to rent through our field reservation system. If a field is not reserved, field usage become first-come first-served. For information on field reservation, please contact or 509.625.6208.

Aquatic Centers

The City of Spokane has 6 brand new aquatic centers located throughout the city. Beyond open swim and regular aquatic programs, these 6 aquatic centers are available to rent by the public for birthday parties, corporate parties, family reunions or just because. Each facility offers amenities such as water slides, zero-depth entries, shaded areas, lap pools and more.

Field Allocation Process

If requesting a field reservation for a one-time use, please contact Reservations at or 509.625.6208. If requesting an ongoing reservation. Please complete the following steps:

  1. Thoroughly read the 2024 Athletic Field Use Rental Guide (PDF 302 KB)
  2. Completely fill out, sign and date the appropriate applications:
    Athletic Fields Rental Application, or Tournament or Special Event Application.
  3. Submit current and accurate insurance per requirements outlined in the Athletic Field Rental Guide to request specific dates, please contact Reservations at or 509.625.6208
  4. Submit, upon due date, all required materials as outlined in the Athletic Field Rental Guide.
  5. Insurance can be emailed from the user group or your insurance carrier directly.
  6. Spokane Public School Middle School and High School Field reservations can be made through Spokane Public Schools Event Services: 509.354.7167 or Please DO NOT call individual schools for reservations.

Please deliver or send ALL of this information to:
Spokane Parks & Recreation Department
ATTN: Field Allocations
2304 E. Mallon Ave. Spokane, WA 99202

  • Spring and Summer Activity Guide
  • Register for Classes

Contact Information

Reservations & RV Parking
Carissa Ware

Lost and Found