The City of Spokane's Solid Waste Collection offers a full suite of services for commercial customers. To help keep Spokane clean and safe, weekly garbage collection within the city limits is required for all businesses.
Commercial customers are furnished with automated collection carts, commercial dumpsters, or roll-off carts to collect materials. The businesses are charged for the collection service, not the containers. Customers must have their container location approved by the Solid Waste Collection to ensure that it can be emptied. See the Rates page for more information.
The City doesn't furnish or sell compactors, but can provide collection services for them. Call the Commercial Division at 509.625.7955 to make sure the unit you are considering is compatible with our equipment.
Commercial containers can be emptied once a week or more frequently depending on a customer's needs.
Here are a few tips to make weekly collection go smoothly:
Missed? The City of Spokane Solid Waste Collection is dedicated to providing efficient and friendly service. If for some reason we have missed your collection or have only partly emptied your cart, please call us immediately at 311, or for outside city limits, 509.755.CITY (2489), and we will make every effort to return within the same day or the next to remedy this situation (Friday collection will be picked up on Monday; we are closed weekends).
Need a temporary dumpster? We rent out temporary dumpsters to help you with a specific need. See the 2025 Temporary Dumpster Rental Form (PDF 778 KB) for more information.
Have large or bulky items? To have large or bulky items picked up on your collection day, please call 311, or for outside city limits, 5509.755.CITY (2489), to make arrangements in advance. Calling ahead ensures that we send the right type of truck by that day!
Call 311, or for outside city limits, 509.755.CITY (2489).
Collection after the following holidays is one day late (excludes downtown night routes which remain on regular schedule):