Application/Permit Number: Z20-045COMP
Address: Citywide
Parcels: N/A
Size: N/A
Location: Various City Rights-of-Way (Streets, etc.)
Neighborhood: Citywide
Proposed Amendments: New Text
City of Spokane – Primary Contact: Ms. Inga Note, Integrated Capital Management
A proposed amendment to the text of Chapter 4, Map TR-12, Arterial Network Map to add additional language regarding pedestrian and vehicle safety at ungated, at-grade railroad crossings. An example of one such crossing is provided under Related Documents below. This project is a City-sponsored application for a 2019/2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Amendment.
The exact text of the amendment is still under development. Details will be provided here once they are available. If you wish to ask questions about the process or the current text of the amendment, please contact Ms. Inga Note in Integrated Capital Management.
City of Spokane
Department of Neighborhood and Planning Services
808 W Spokane Falls Blvd
Spokane, WA 99201
Kevin Freibott
Assistant Planner II