Personalized Design Guidance from Industry Experts for Qualified Customers.
Designer at Your Door is the ultimate program for anyone dreaming of a SpokaneScape but are unsure where to begin. Explore alternatives to grass-centric landscapes and form ideas to create your SpokaneScape design plan.
Our resident Landscape Architect, Cathy Spokas, will work with you to create a stunning water-wise space that conserves water and enhances the natural beauty of your surroundings.
To qualify for a Designer at Your Door appointment, you must meet the following criteria:
Option 1:
Attend three Water Wise Wednesday Workshops. These classes will be taking place every Wednesday throughout March and April from 5:30pm – 6:30pm at the South Hill Library and will be covering a variety of conservation topics surrounding SpokaneScape.
Option 2:
Attend one SpokaneScape 101 class. These classes will be taking place every third Tuesday of the month from May through October, from 5:30pm – 8:30pm at the WSU Extension Office.
While only City of Spokane Water Department Customers are eligible for the consultation service, everyone is welcome at our public classes.
*To qualify for a SpokaneScape, you must sign-up for a pre-inspection before breaking ground. A Designer at your Door consultation will qualify as your SpokaneScape pre-inspection.
Upon registration you will be asked to complete a Design Survey to help tailor recommendations for your consultation. Providing detailed and specific answers ensures the best possible guidance!
What is your vision for your design?
(style preferences, functionality, wildlife garden, etc.)
Does your site have problems?
(Drainage, wind tunnels, shade/sun exposure, screening of unwanted views, etc.)
What is your plan for efficient irrigation?
(Drip, rotary nozzles, or hand watering?)
What are your existing hardscapes?
(Walkways, driveway, hard surface areas, etc.)
What are your plants/colors likes and dislikes?
Do you have any mulch preference?
(River rock, bark mulch, basalt, etc.)
Are you planning for additional design features?
(Sculptures, water feature, birdbath, boulders, etc.)
Water Wise Spokane