Community and Senior Centers

Spokane Parks and Recreation affiliates itself with a number of non-profit community organizations benefitting older adults and young children. We greatly appreciate our relationship with these centers and their individual recreation programs.

The centers are non-profit organizations officially represented by the Spokane Youth and Senior Center Association (SYSCA).

SYSCA was formed in 2012 and its main focus is to work collectively to represent the thousands of citizens who partake in the programs and services SYSCA organizations provide.

The primary goal of SYSCA is to educate the public on the importance of sustaining adequate levels of park funding for recreational services for senior and youth programs in the City of Spokane.

Community Centers

East Central Community Center (MLK Center)

500 S. Stone Street

Executive Director: Freda Gandy
Phone: 509.868.0856

Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday – Friday

Mission: The Martin Luther King, Jr. Family Outreach at East Central Community Center improves the quality of life for children, youth and families in Spokane through an array of culturally responsive educational and social services within the framework of Dr. King's vision of equal respect, treatment and accessibility for all people.


  • Women, Infant, and Children (W.I.C.) Nutrition Program
    Hours of operation:
    Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed for lunch, closed on Friday)
    Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed for lunch, closed on Friday)
    509.323.2830 (direct)
    509.535.8067 (fax)
  • SNAP East
    Hours of operation:
    M/T/W/F: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed 12 – 1 p.m.)
    TH: 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed 12 – 1 p.m.)
    509.456.SNAP (7627) (direct)
    509.456.7159 (fax)
    Money Management, Small Business Development, Small Business Lending, Housing Counseling, Foreclosure Prevention, The Business Center, Women's Business Center
  • Early Head Start – CCS
    Hours of operation:
    Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Food Bank
    Closed on Tuesday
    10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed from Noon – 1 p.m.)
    As of July 2, all clients will need to recertify for the year. Certification requires a state ID and proof of address (junk mail will not be considered, official documents required ).
    Clients living in any zip code can visit our food bank once a week.
    *Senior boxes have income requirements and are not limited to zip codes.

*TEFAP has income requirements and are limited to the zip codes 99202 and 99212.

Northeast Youth Center

3004 E Queen Ave, Spokane, WA 99217

Executive Director: Sheila Geraghty
Phone: 509.482.0708

Mission: To provide at-risk youth with culturally enriching and stimulating educational and recreational opportunities that build self-esteem and teach basic life skills.

The Northeast Youth Center (NEYC), a non-profit organization affiliated with the Spokane Parks and Recreation Department, is an educational and recreational program for children ages 5-17. Established in 1971, the NEYC has grown from a small organization into a program serving children attending nine elementary, middle and high schools. We serve a diverse population through a variety of low-cost or free outdoor recreational activities, before and after school daycare, sports programs and special events. We are open year round- including some holidays, Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. plus some Saturdays for special events. Ninety-one percent of our participants come from single parent homes where the children qualify for the School District 81 free school breakfast/lunch program.

The Northeast Youth Center has a safe and fun environment and provides adult role models who show the children positive ways of learning. A testament to the program's success is seen in increased attendance and positive comments from parents and teachers.

In thinking about the children served at the NEYC, the word ‘average’ just doesn’t apply. In reality there is no standard word to describe them. Each child has special needs. What these children do have in common is their need for things many Spokane children take for granted; extra help finishing their homework; caring and nurturing adult role models; a safe place to feel loved and accepted for who they are, a place that offers a variety of ways to learn and be challenged; a home away from home! The NEYC provides all this and more.

Southside Community Center

3151 E. 27th Ave.

Executive Director: Josh Kracht
Phone: 509.535.0803

The Southside Community Center is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) and is open to all age groups. We offer educational classes, activities, lunches, travel, and volunteer opportunities, in addition to community fundraising events. Anyone can participate but as a member, you'll enjoy several special discounts. We value our volunteers and members and the lifelong friendships made at the center. "Strangers are friends you haven't met yet".

We also have rooms to rent for events, weddings, meetings with a newly remodeled facility that includes a grand ballroom with a capacity to seat up to 300 people that includes free parking and a gorgeous view of the Thornton Murphy Park. In addition, we have a commercial kitchen available to rent that you can self-cater or utilize a professional caterer.

Mission: To enhance the physical and mental well-being of those we serve by providing recreational, educational, and volunteer opportunities.

Our Values: We are committed to creating and maintaining a community that respects and values diverse life experiences and cultures. Everyone deserves respect and acceptance without bias. We engage the perspectives and voices of our community and ensure they are reflected in our events and activities.

Our Goals: To foster community participation by providing a facility for arts, education, recreation, celebration and locally based human services to increase opportunities for personal and collective growth in our community. In addition to promoting community enrichment through intercultural events while developing community partnerships and sustainability of our programs as well as increase our volunteer and board engagement to achieve our financial goals and future aims as outlined in our strategic plan.

Our friendly and diverse staff and volunteers look forward to meeting you.

West Central Community Center

1603 N Belt

Executive Director: Kim Ferraro
Phone: 509.326.9540

The West Central Community Center has a variety of programs and services for families and individuals. We offer before and after school childcare, summer youth programs, and numerous clubs and classes. Among the other programs and services located at the Center are WIC (Women, Infants and Children), Head Start, Asante Health Medical Practice, supportive services for individuals with developmental disabilities, and a satellite office for the Spokane Police Department. We also partner with numerous organizations to plan and produce community events, which include Neighbor Day Festival, Hallowfest, Winterfest, and Building Dreams – Bright Futures for Our Kids.

5 – 6 p.m. Thursdays
Mike Ramsey

AbeJitsu for Kids – kickboxing, wrestling, boxing
5 – 6 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays
Abe Jones

AbeJitsu for Adults – kickboxing, wrestling, boxing
6 – 8 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays
Abe Jones

7 – 10 p.m. Wednesdays for advanced players
7 – 10 p.m. Fridays for beginners/training
2:30 – 4:30 p.m. Sundays for beginners/training
4:30 – 7:30 p.m. Sundays for advanced players
Duan Zaou

8 – 10 p.m. Sundays
Rick Harris

Before and After School Care
6:30 – 8:30 a.m. and 3 – 6 p.m. Monday to Friday
Rick Harris

Girl Scouts
3:30 – 5 p.m. Wednesdays
Rick Harris

Senior Centers

Corbin Senior Activity Center

827 W. Cleveland Ave.

Director: Claudia Ouwerkerk

Corbin Senior Activity Center offers a full schedule of activities including educational classes in foreign languages, art, exercise, and history. There are also social events (e.g. dinner theatres); seminars on health, legal matters, art, and travel; lunches (including one ethnic lunch per month); cards, puzzles, mahjong, scrabble, and pool. Various groups meet throughout the week: Hiking, crafts, lapidary, and dance to live music.

Services include blood pressure checks, foot care, AARP Drivers Training, AARP Tax Aid, massage therapy, and hearing tests. The Center also offers short trips around Spokane and long trips to such places as China and Italy. Tours are usually accompanied by a volunteer escort. Over 100 volunteers presently serve in various capacities. In addition to this, Corbin publishes a twenty-page newsletter, has a boutique, and offers information on senior living and general information. If you are interested in more information, call or better yet, come by and visit today! Our friendly staff and volunteers are here to answer any questions you may have.

Hillyard Senior Center

4001 N. Cook St.

Director: Tony Cane
Phone: 509.482.0803

Hillyard Senior Center is the place “Where Friends Meet Friends”. We provide a full spectrum of recreational program and service opportunities for older adults 55+. Whether it's exercise and fitness that you are seeking or great travel adventure, Hillyard Senior Center offers a wide variety of fun and entertaining activities, lunch daily, educational classes, trips and tours and great special events! Our program features one of our members favorite activities; Wii Virtual Bowling League. This ten week league provides loads of fun and smiles on Friday Mornings from 8:30 a.m. to Noon. We are located at 4001 N. Cook Street in the Northeast Community Center. Annual Memberships are just $20 for individuals and $30 for couples under the same address. Call our office at 509.482.0803 for more information, or stop in for a visit and a complimentary monthly newsletter! View the HSC Website or view the monthly newsletter.

Mid-City Concerns Senior Center

1222 W 2nd Ave, Spokane, WA 99201

Executive Director: Owen Esperas
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Mission: To sustain the independence of those we serve by providing services and activities regarding nutrition, advocacy, education, and recreation through the Meals on Wheels Spokane program and Mid-City Concerns Senior Center.

Since 1967 Mid-City Senior Center has provided a nutritional and social lifeline for seniors through our downtown meal site in Spokane and Meals on Wheels delivery to elderly, disabled homebound seniors. The center is open five days a week and provides a warm, inviting, and safe atmosphere for men and women who are predominantly living alone, isolated in apartment rooms, and existing on incomes below the federal Poverty level.

We invite those 60 years and older to join us in our senior center. Senior center activities and special events include Bingo, movie days, live music, games, holiday parties, etc. Take advantage of the extra perks the senior center has to offer by becoming a member! Membership is only $25 per year and includes: haircuts, internet access, monthly birthday celebrations, Christmas gift at the end of the year, etc. Contact us or stop by to learn more.

Lunch is served at 11:30 a.m. daily for members or with a donation ask of $5.

Project Joy

3151 E 27th Ave.

Director: Harlan Henderson
Home: 509.235.2498
Cell: 509.951.2171
Phone: 509.535.0584
Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. – Noon Monday & Wednesday

Project Joy is an organization composed of entertainers 50 years of age or older who provide entertainment for Care Centers, Assisted Living Facilities, Retirement Complexes, Civic and Fraternal Organizations, Schools and Special Events.

The performers are volunteers who want to share joy using their particular talent. Because Project Joy consists of volunteers, the bulk of the entertainment is done during daylight hours on weekdays. Occasionally an early evening or weekend time can be arranged.

Sinto Senior Activity Center

1124 W. Sinto Ave.

Director: Donna Holten
Phone: 509.327.2861
Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Thursday. Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Mission: To improve the health of seniors by providing activities for the mind and body, social connection and great affordable nutrition.

Sinto Senior Activity Center offers a variety of recreational and social programs and services for older adults, ages 55 and up, who wish to remain active, make new friends, become productively involved in community affairs, or simply to have some fun and fill some spare time.

Activities offered at the Center include ballroom dancing, pool, crafts, educational opportunities, lunches, social clubs, entertainment, square dancing, music, speakers, holiday events, cards, exercise and aerobic classes, round dancing, clogging, community service projects, short trips and tours, bowling, involvement opportunities, travelogues, and more.