SpokaneScape Guide
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Make sure you meet all three of the following criteria before you apply for the SpokaneScape Rebate.
Prep Work
Before you remove any lawn, or apply to the program, you will need to do a little preparation:
Collect your:
Nice work! Now you’re ready to fill out our Online Application Form!
While applying through the online form is preferred, if you need to apply with a hard copy, a printable application is available.
Following your application submission, you will be prompted to schedule a Pre-Inspection. A quick Pre-Inspection is required before beginning any lawn removal. It allows Water Wise staff to meet with you on-site, to answer questions regarding your project or the program, and to offer labor and money saving tips and tricks.
SpokaneScape Installation!
Following your Pre-Inspection you will be approved to begin the "Construction Phase" of your SpokaneScape! You will have 2 years in this “Construction Phase” to complete your project. This time frame should allow you to remove your lawn, purchase plants and mulch materials, and implement that beautiful water saving SpokaneScape.
Final Inspection
Phew! You did it! Now that the hard work is behind you and your SpokaneScape is 100% complete, contact the Water Wise team at waterwise@spokanecity.org to schedule a final inspection. Upon approval, you will be issued a rebate through your City of Spokane utility bill.
You can apply for other Water Wise rebates, such as smart irrigation controllers, and spray-to-drip irrigation conversions to maximize your savings. View our full Water Wise rebate menu.
Water Wise Spokane