Northeast Public Development Authority (NEPDA)

Authorized by and Date: RCW 35.21.730'.757, SMC 4.25, Ordinance No. C34813, on December 11, 2012, Ordinance-No. C35829 Reformation November 4, 2019.

Mission Statement/Purpose: To facilitate the redevelopment, development, and construction of public benefit projects, resulting in increased economic activity and job growth within the PDA boundary (The YARD).

Meeting Information

Date: 2nd Friday of each month.
Time: 10:30 to Noon, Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Location: NEPDA Office – 5006 N. Market St., or virtual via Zoom (link below).
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 989 1658 8710
Passcode: 425893
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,98916588710#,,,,*425893# US (Tacoma)

Members Title Term Type Term Expiration
Michael Cathcart,
Council Member,
City of Spokane
1st Term Designated N/A
Josh Kerns,
Vice Chair
Spokane County
1st Term Designated N/A
Marlene Feist,
Public Works Director,
City of Spokane
1st Term Designated N/A
Scott Simmons,
Spokane County
1st Term Designated N/A
Cheryl Stewart,
Executive Director,
Inland Northwest AGC
2nd Term Member-at-Large 2/14/2026
Tracie Oergel,
Regional Account Executive,
1st Term Member-at-Large 9/13/2027
Shelli Sonderen,
Community Representative/
Business Owner
1st Term Member-at-Large 3/8/2027

*Designated Members include two board members from the City and County of Spokane

Pursuant to the provisions of RCW 4.96.020, the governing body of each local governmental entity shall appoint an agent to receive any claim for damages made under Chapter 4.96 RCW.

The NEPDA Board appointed the below-listed agent to receive any claims for damages under Chapter 4.96 RCW:

Agent Appointed: Executive Director

Mailing Address::
PO Box 7323
Spokane, WA 99207

Office Address:
Northeast Public Development Authority
5006 N. Market St.
Spokane, WA 99217

Business Hours:
Normal Business Hours
Monday through Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm, except holidays

Board Member Meeting Packets


Contact Information

Jesse Bank
Executive Director
Northeast Public Development Authority

Michael Cathcart
City Council Liaison

Council Committee
Finance and Administration

City Staff for Questions
Amanda Beck
Planner II
Planning & Economic Development Department

Related Links


City and County approve new Interlocal Agreement

Effective January 1st, 2020, the City and County of Spokane executed a reformed Northeast Public Development Authority Interlocal Agreement. The purpose is to reformulate and revise the prior Interlocal Agreement to allow for additional property and inclusion of the County, and to align resources, property, and services to assist both the City and County in their ability to improve the economic conditions consistent with RCW 36.01.085 and RCW 35.21.703. To the extent appropriate and consistent with the needs and objectives of the City and County, the PDA will acquire and manage real property, secure financing, undertake the construction and development of and otherwise accomplish all purposes required for development and management of the Projects, which, by agreement of the parties, may extend beyond the geographical boundaries of the PDA.

DISPUTE RESOLUTION: The parties agree to attempt to resolve any disputes related to this agreement through informal discussions between the parties. If such discussions fail to resolve the dispute, the dispute shall be submitted to binding arbitration without right of appeal. A single arbitrator shall be selected by agreement of the parties or by the Presiding Judge of the Spokane County Superior Court if the parties cannot agree. Each party shall be responsible for one-half of the fees and expenses of the arbitrator. The mandatory arbitration rules of the State of Washington (or as implemented locally by the Spokane County Superior Court, if still in effect at the time of the dispute) shall be binding as to procedure, except as to the right of appeal, which is not applicable.