Reminder: Winter once-per-month green carts collection and Christmas Tree pickup is this week, January 6th – 10th, on your regularly scheduled pickup day. This is the final week for Christmas Tree pickup. Please have your carts and tree out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day.

Spokane Transportation Benefit District Governing Board

Authorized by and Date: Authorized by Ordinance No. C-34648 on October 11, 2010.

Mission Statement/Purpose: Chapter 36.73 of the Revised Code of Washington provides for the establishment of Transportation Benefit Districts by cities and counties to levy and impose various taxes and fees to generate revenues to support transportation improvements within the district that are consistent with state, regional or local transportation plans and necessitated by existing or reasonably foreseeable congestion levels.

The revenue generated by the TBD shall be used specifically for annual improvements for the operation, preservation and maintenance of the City's existing transportation improvements, facilities and programs set forth in the six year pavement maintenance program element of the City's 2011-2016 Six Year Comprehensive Street Program.

Governance: The TBD is a quasi-municipal corporation with specific independent taxing authority. The City Council is the governing authority for the TBD authorized to exercise all statutory powers set forth under Washington state law.



Abigail Martin
City Council Manager of Neighborhood Connectivity Initiatives