Arterial Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons - This project enhances pedestrian safety by installing four Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHBs) on busy arterials.
Cycle 12 Traffic Calming - Cycle 12 Traffic Calming involves projects citywide, including new sidewalks, bike lanes, curb extensions, traffic medians, and enhanced crosswalks.
Desmet-Superior Sewer Reroute - This project replaces a damaged 10-inch sewer line near the intersection of Desmet Avenue and Superior Street.
East Wellesley Rebuild – Freya to Havana - Scope includes an increased number of lanes and reconfiguration, Green Infrastructure and street trees, and replacing water distribution lines.
Stevens Elementary Walk Route - This project focuses on improving pedestrian safety around Stevens Elementary School by adding new crosswalks, sidewalks, and upgraded signals.
Perry Street Sewer Main (19th to 18th Avenue) - This project installs a new 8-inch sewer main and replaces an aging 8-inch cast iron water main along Perry Street, between 19th and 18th Avenues.
Scott Elementary Safe Routes to School - This is a community initiative to enhance pedestrian safety and create safer routes to school for students and residents.
Arterial Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons - This project enhances pedestrian safety by installing four Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHBs) on busy arterials.
Cycle 12 Traffic Calming - Cycle 12 Traffic Calming involves projects citywide, including new sidewalks, bike lanes, curb extensions, traffic medians, and enhanced crosswalks.
Francis & Assembly Water - Phase One involves installing a new water transmission main from the Low Water Pressure System to the NW Terrace Water Pressure System.
Washington Stevens Corridor Improvements 2024 - This upgrades consist of three key projects aimed at enhancing the infrastructure & longevity of the roads and bridges in this area.
2021 Residential Grind and Overlay – North - Residential street repaving. Minor storm sewer system repairs and upgrades may also be completed as part of the paving project.
2023 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
2024 Grind and Overlay Street Maintenance - The City of Spokane Streets Department will be performing routine street maintenance at various locations throughout the 2024 roadwork season.
2024 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
Haven Grind & Overlay - Grind & overlay of Haven St. from Market (near Rockwell) to Market (near Columbia) including pavement repair and ADA ramp replacement.
Holland Avenue Sewer (Normandie to Colton) - This project will construct a gravity sewer pipe from North Pointe Lift Station (Colton and Holland) to the intersection of Holland and Normandie.
2021 Residential Grind & Overlay - South - Repave residential streets. Minor storm sewer system repairs and upgrades may also be completed as part of the paving project.
2023 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
2024 Grind and Overlay Street Maintenance - The City of Spokane Streets Department will be performing routine street maintenance at various locations throughout the 2024 roadwork season.
2024 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
Cycle 10 Traffic Calming - Miscellaneous street and sidewalk improvements focused on pedestrians and traffic calming.
Cycle 11 Traffic Calming - Miscellaneous street and sidewalk improvements focused on pedestrians and traffic calming.
Havana Well Pump Station - Construct two building well pump station for six new wells (already drilled) including pumps, motors, controls, and yard piping.
High System Water Tank - The City is evaluating tank location alternatives for the high system pressure zone.
Ray St. Water Main - The City of Spokane Water Department is embarking on a project to replace an aging water main along Ray Street, stretching from Hartson Avenue to 11th
Spotted Road Booster Station - Construction of a new water booster station for the Plains Pressure Zone. This project is funded with local funds.
Thor-Freya 2nd/3rd Intersections - Full roadway reconstruction with concrete, curb and stormwater facilities replacement, ADA ramp upgrades, and water/sewer replacements.
2021 Residential Grind and Overlay – North - Residential street repaving. Minor storm sewer system repairs and upgrades may also be completed as part of the paving project.
2023 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
2024 Grind and Overlay Street Maintenance - The City of Spokane Streets Department will be performing routine street maintenance at various locations throughout the 2024 roadwork season.
2024 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
Cochran Basin Treatment Facilities - Construction of treatment and infiltration ponds at the Downriver Disc Golf Course to treat stormwater generated in the Cochran Basin.
Sundance III Force Main Replacement - This project will upgrade an existing PVC sewer force main to ductile iron pipe on Comanche Dr. from Ridge Crest Drive to Shawnee Avenue.
TJ Meenach Siphon Vaults - Connects the 60" siphon to be installed with TJ Meenach Street and Stormwater Improvements to the existing 60" siphon pipe.
Washington Basin Stormwater Project - The project includes replacing the water & sewer lines and installing 3 large stormwater treatment vaults & drywells to infiltrate the treated water.
2024 Grind and Overlay Street Maintenance - The City of Spokane Streets Department will be performing routine street maintenance at various locations throughout the 2024 roadwork season.
2024 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
South Gorge Trail Connection - Construct a shared-use pathway under the Monroe St. Bridge connecting Main Ave to the existing path attached to the north side of Spokane Falls Blvd