Baldwin and Regal Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcels addressed as 2901 E Baldwin Ave and 2907 E Baldwin Ave into three lots for constructing two duplexes.
Cedar Storage Final Binding Site Plan - The applicant is proposing to final preliminary Binding Site Plan (Z22-250PBSP) granted approval, subject to conditions, on September 20, 2022.
Chick-fil-A Final Binding Site Plan - The applicant is proposing to final a preliminary Binding Site Plan (Z19-458PBSP) granted approval, subject to conditions, on December 16, 2019.
Family Promise CUP - The applicant is proposing to convert an existing single-family home into a community service use.
Garland Avenue Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35042.4516 addressed as 1649 E Garland Avenue into 4 lots for residential development.
Gonzaga University Housing Rezone - The applicant proposes rezoning the property from Context Area 4 to Residential High Density for a 90 bed residence for housing on the GU campus.
Jayne Auld Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide three parcels totaling 79,984 square feet into 6 parcels for a multi-family complex, duplex homes, and parking.
Liberty Avenue Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant/owner is proposing to subdivide vacant parcel addressed at 3712 E. Liberty Ave. into two lots for the purpose of constructing duplexes.
Liberty Market Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing to convert a previous commercial use building into a small neighborhood mini-market/grocery store.
Logan Elementary Addition Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing to construct an approximately 4,965-sq. ft. addition to be used as an Early Learning Center and Community Wellness Center.
Lyons Ave Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcels 36283.0406 and 36283.0408 into 13 lots for the purpose of creating vacant lots for new development.
Violet’s Garden Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing parcel with home into two single family lots in order to build one additional single family home.
Vistas at Beacon Hill Final PUD Plat - The Application is proposing to finalize the Vistas at Beacon Hill Preliminary PUD/Plat ort Plat for the purpose of building multi-family development.
Arterial Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons - This project enhances pedestrian safety by installing four Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHBs) on busy arterials.
Cycle 12 Traffic Calming - Cycle 12 Traffic Calming involves projects citywide, including new sidewalks, bike lanes, curb extensions, traffic medians, and enhanced crosswalks.
Desmet-Superior Sewer Reroute - This project replaces a damaged 10-inch sewer line near the intersection of Desmet Avenue and Superior Street.
East Wellesley Rebuild – Freya to Havana - Scope includes an increased number of lanes and reconfiguration, Green Infrastructure and street trees, and replacing water distribution lines.
Stevens Elementary Walk Route - This project focuses on improving pedestrian safety around Stevens Elementary School by adding new crosswalks, sidewalks, and upgraded signals.
Avista Corporation - Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Avista Corporation has requested a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Amendment and associated Zone change for 14 properties in the Logan neighborhood.
Avista Mission Swale - Avista is requesting a shoreline substantial development permit to construct a new 5,960 square foot bio-infiltration swale.
Avista North Center Street Reroute - Avista is requesting to realign North Center Street. Utilities will also be rerouted and installed within this new alignment.
Avista Swale - Avista is requesting to construct a 0.7 grassy swale on a 3.2 acre parcel within the Ross Court area of the Mission Campus.
Butte Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing 14,200 square foot parcel for a total of two lots, in a developed Residential Single Family zone.
Butte Preliminary Short Plat - Subdivision of an existing 14,200 sqt. parcel for a total of two lots, located in a developed Residential Single Family zone
Central Service Center - Will be a combined Solid Waste Management and Fleet maintenance facility designed to create operational efficiencies and long-term savings.
Chick-fil-A Preliminary Binding Site Plan - The applicant is proposing a Binding Site Plan in order to subdivide 3.243 acres of land into 2 parcels for commercial use.
Clinkerdagger's Patio Rebuild - Clinkerdagger Restaurant is requesting a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit to remodel an existing above grade outdoor dining patio.
HA Tombari LLC Comprehensive Plan Amendment - This proposal is to change one parcel of property currently zoned RMF (Residential Multifamily) to GC-70 (General Commercial).
Historic Change of Use - The Library - This CUP is for a Historic Change of Use at the Historic building located at 2936 E. Olympic Ave. The new use would be Retail Sales and Service
Holland Ave Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing parcel with an existing office building and warehouse into two lots, to separate the buildings.
Libertini Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing single-family lot in to two lots for the purposes of a new single-family home.
Liberty Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
River Inn Hotel - This proposal includes overall site improvements and upgrades to the west building exterior including an entry canopy and new siding.
Riverwalk Commercial - Learn about the Riverwalk Commercial renovation project from Spokane Planning & Development. Find project updates and download related documents.
Turner Mansion - The applicant seeks to place Turner Mansion into service as professional office space of approximately 10-15 offices from 150 to 750 sq ft.
West Central Community Center Garage Addition - The applicant is proposing a new 2,240 square foot, single story, garage to be placed adjacent to the east wall of the existing gym.
Greater Hillyard - For the purpose of neighborhood planning, Bemiss, Hillyard and Whitman neighborhoods of Northeast Spokane joined together as “Greater Hillyard”.
Logan Neighborhood - Situated close to the heart of Spokane, the Logan Neighborhood has developed as one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in the City.
Nevada Lidgerwood Neighborhood - This project identifies important issues and potential solutions for improving Nevada-Lidgerwood Neighborhood livability.
2021 Residential Grind and Overlay – North - Residential street repaving. Minor storm sewer system repairs and upgrades may also be completed as part of the paving project.
2023 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
2024 Grind and Overlay Street Maintenance - The City of Spokane Streets Department will be performing routine street maintenance at various locations throughout the 2024 roadwork season.
2024 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
Haven Grind & Overlay - Grind & overlay of Haven St. from Market (near Rockwell) to Market (near Columbia) including pavement repair and ADA ramp replacement.
Holland Avenue Sewer (Normandie to Colton) - This project will construct a gravity sewer pipe from North Pointe Lift Station (Colton and Holland) to the intersection of Holland and Normandie.